After being made the 'prize' in a twisted Suitors Dance, Sapphire, a young mermaid rebels against the Ancient Rules and could end up marrying someone she barely knows. Will Finn prove to be all that she was looking for, despite the recurring visio...
I could barely contain my anger and partial excitement as I swam closer and closer to the surface of the ocean.
Scanning the horizon for fishing boats, and when I saw none, I jumped back under the water to head to the only place I clearly remembered. My human half home, my mother was human and my father a merman. Part of the reason she died from the stingray attack was that she had lived most of her life above water, having less experience under the waves then every other Mermaid and Merman. Thankfully, my mothers, human half meant I had some mermaid friendly aunts and uncles up on land. Making my way slowly through a cloud of shoal fish, I came to a dock. Quickly ducking under it I found a place where I could Transform into human form.
I sang a low deep sound as I felt my scales melting off replaced by long tan legs, I also knew that my eyes had turned green and I now had long deep red hair down to my hips. I slowly stood up and scooted myself away from the water under the dock. Getting to shore I remembered how weird it felt to walk. I barely remembered what the house looked like but I was happy to see it on top of a hill in the distance.
I remembered being a young half human and sitting at Aunt Mo's up in a tree reading. I loved human books and mermaid scribes. I shook the thought out of my head as I slowly climbed up the hill to the house. Reaching the doorstep I knocked once.
then once more
Then I stood back. looking around I spotted a silly looking garden gnome and in the distance the sun setting. I had almost forgotten how beautiful the sun looked up here when it set. I heard the door unlatch as Aunt Mo appeared in the foray, Wearing a pair of jeans and a white blouse, her long brown hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun, holding a half-knitted sock. She looked utterly amazed at me being here.
"What are you doing here?" She said as she gave me a huge hug, welcoming me inside.
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