Best Friend?

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The first week of school passed like normal. Assemblies, homework, new topics. Usually, I got past the first week or two without interacting with other students. This time, however, Gabriel was there. We did our homework together, hung out after school, ate lunch together. 

It didn't happen until two weeks into the year. We were sitting at a picnic table in the park doing our homework. Or at least, I was doing my homework. Gabriel was playing games on his phone, people watching, eating candy, anything he could to procrastinate doing his work. 

"Gabe!" A man called from across the street. He crossed quickly and hugged Gabriel. Gabriel grinned and turned to me. "Sam, this is my brother, Lucifer. Lucifer, this is Sam, my best friend." I smiled politely at Lucifer but felt slightly lightheaded at Gabriel's words. 

I had never been anybody's best friend before. After Lucifer walked away, Gabriel turned to me. "You alright, Samsquatch?" He asked, looking concerned. I signed, Am I really your best friend? Gabriel grinned. "Of course you are!" His smile faltered for a second. "Unless... You don't want to be. Then that's fine I guess, I just thought-"

I cut him off buy grabbing his hand. Gabriel looked up at me and I let go of him, smiling. Of course I want to be your best friend, I signed. A light blush appeared on Gabriel's face and he smiled up at me. "We should get to working, huh?"

I nodded and turned to the homework sheet in front of me. "Hey, um, Sammy?" Gabriel said quietly. I looked up and saw him looking at me shyly from across the table. "Uh, d'you think that you could maybe hold my hand again?" I reached over the table and took his hand in mine, nodding. We sat there for another hour, laughing and doing our homework. 

I never let go of his hand. 

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