MmMmmMm Gay Boys

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Gabriel and I walked silently to the nurse's office. When we were outside of the door, I pulled him aside and stared at him. Gabe, what the hell? I signed.

"I'm sorry, okay? He was talking shit about gay people, then about you, and I just snapped. I know that I shouldn't have done that, and I know that I'm gonna be in deep shit. But I just wanted to defend you. Isn't that what boyfriends do?"

I smiled and shook my head. You're an idiot, I signed. I know what you were trying to do, but you know I don't like fighting.

"I know. It won't happen again, promise." He said immediately. I shook my head again and leaned down to kiss his forehead. I nodded my head towards the nurse's office and he nodded, following me inside.


Needless to say, Naomi was pissed. She came by while we were sitting in the nurse's office and yelled at Gabriel for being careless. When she stormed out, his father walked in. I was nervous, since this was the first time I had met his dad. But Chuck just said that he would calm Naomi down, and he wasn't in as much trouble as she told him.

They sent Gabriel home with two days of suspension, and gave me a pencil and a notepad to get through the rest of the day. By then, the school was buzzing with gossip about what had happened. Most of it was total bullshit, of course.

I heard people talking about them. There were rumors that Gabriel had been knocked out, and that Jake was being arrested. I didn't even respond when people asked if they were true, I just rolled my eyes.

Jessica and Amelia sat with me during lunch. When a guy came up to me and asked me if I had a panic attack during the fight, Amelia stood up and dumped her water on his head.

Finally, the day ended. I walked home alone and didn't bother texting Gabriel; his mother probably took away his phone anyway. When I walked in, I went straight into the living room where Dean was sitting and laid face down on the floor.

"What happened to you?" Dean asked, raising his eyebrow. I reluctantly sat up and signed, Gabriel got into a fight and got suspended.

"What? Why"

Some guy was being a homophobic dick and called me a psycho fag.

"Are you fucking serious?"

I nodded.

"I'll kill him." Dean said automatically. "Tell me the kid's name and I swear to god-" His phone started ringing. He looked at me, asking for permission, and I nodded. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and answered it.

"Hey, babe." He paused, and I could hear Cas talking on the other end. "Yeah, Sammy told me." Dean walked out of the room and out to the backyard to keep talking.

I sighed and stood up. Mom was at work, so I was currently alone. I walked up the stairs to my room and flopped down on my bed. A few minutes later, my phone buzzed. I picked it up and looked at the text.

G: make sure you're in your room at 8

S: why?

G: can't talk moms taking my phoneryt

He didn't reply after that.

The night went pretty normally after that. Mom came home and we ordered pizza. Over dinner, Dean and I told her what happened during school (Dean had gotten the rest of the story from Cas, who heard is from Gabriel). Mom praised Gabriel for doing what he did and said that he shouldn't have been punished.

"He was doing what he thought was right." She said. "And he was defending both you and your teacher. If he was my kid, I'd be rewarding him, honestly."

After that, I took a shower and stayed in my room. At 8:01, there was a light tap on my window. I opened it and Gabriel climbed in. He closed the door and turned to grin at me. His lip was cut and his eye was purple, but at least it wasn't as bad as it was before.

I thought you were grounded? I signed in confusion. Gabriel snorted.

"I am, but you really don't expect me to listen, do you?"

I rolled my eyes, but flopped down on my bed. Gabriel laid down next to me and wrapped one arm around my waist. I remembered the last time we laid like this, we were trying to figure out if Dean and Cas had feelings for each other. Then we almost kissed, he locked himself in the bathroom, and ignored me for almost a month.

"Whatcha thinking about, Sammy?" I returned to the present and looked down into his golden eyes. I shrugged. He sat up slightly and kissed me gently before settling back down against my chest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

one chapter left ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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