Chapter 7

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I ushered into the Grandmothers  ancient house. 
Normally I would stop and ask questions about the antique crystals and shells, but today I was to concerned to even notice them.
Scarlett came to, of course, but when she asked if she could listen in on the conversation, Grandmother told her only I could hear it.
"What?! I'm just as a part of the family as Marina is, I want to hear it, too!" She wailed.
"I'm sorry, Scarlett, you are a part of the family, but Marina is the only other person who is in the position to hear what I need to say. You can go wait outside with Susan, and she will explain this in better detail."
Once Scarlett finally gave up, Grandmother motioned for me to on the coral bench opposite from her.
"I'm sure you could see that I had a moment of rekindling (a vision), as you are very bright.
"I am going to explain the vision this time, but I want you to know that that is not always going to be the case when what I see involves you.
If the moment of rekindling is of low to very little importance, I can decide whether or not to mention it to someone, but if it is of high importance, normally the Greats (her ancestors that control the visions) do not allow me to tell anyone, all though, there are rare circumstances when they ask me to speak of certain things to the person or people in the moment of rekindling, in order to full fill their destiny."
I looked into her eyes worriedly. What kind of destiny could I possibly have? Is their really a plan for me to do big things when I'm not even the right gender for the jobs I want to pursue?
"What the greats want you to know, is that you have to break the rules in order to full fill your destiny. Specifically, they say you must become a researcher and go on the search for the Aquamarine cure-"
"-W-wha?! That's impossible! In order to do that, I would have to be a male 18 years or older, and even if I was, I still wouldn't have had the training!" I said, completely astonished that the greats meant me. Could it be a mistake?
"That's the part where I must help you; a potion of body transformation can be created using-"
"One part DNA of person you wish to duplicate, one part water, 4 parts seaweed and 3 parts exilebert." I remembered from an advanced Chemistry book, then I reflected on my imprudence and felt ashamed I cut my own grandmother off, whether she cared about that or not.
"Exactly. I have enough of the chemical exilebert, so then it's just the matter of me taking the DNA from a specific researcher in mind, and then you can find the plant pigments." She said, as if we where making a cake together. "Wait, how would it be possible for me to pretend to be a researcher of he's supposed to be going on the search as well?" I asked, feeling a thousand questions about this 'destiny' coming on to quickly. "The Greats have told me of a specific person that will have to back out of the search. Why, I can not say. Fate must be protected." She said.
How come the greats don't trust me with knowing fate? Well, maybe fate could be altered with that information...
"Ok, I do trust you to do that correctly, but what about the training?" I asked. "The most honest advice I can give you is to I believe that if you practice swimming and Ethican riding and read some of the books about research training. Do that, and you will be fine.
The Greats wouldn't pick you for this destiny if they didn't think you could full fill it." She said. "But if this was truly my destiny, why would it need to be reinforced with your help? Wouldn't fate just...happen?" I countered. "Don't question the greats, Marina. They are a part of fate. Besides, you've heard the story of the man I helped. His destiny was to save the Seahorses, and he did. Your destiny is to save another endangered species." She said. "So your vision was of me saving Aquarians?" I asked. "I can not tell you anymore about the rekindling moment other than the journey you must go on, and your destiny in doing so." She said. My eyes blared at the thought of this overwhelming mission. "Grandmother, I feel like this destiny is just not meant for me. I mean, out of all the people that could save the Aquarians, how could I be the one to succeed?" I asked. "Because you are brave and strong. The greats and I believe in you; there is just simply no one else who can do this." Grandmother said.

Hey, Guys! What would you do if someone told you that you where meant for something crazy? Let me know in the comments.

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