Chapter 13

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"Scarlett, your sister will be watching you after her class ." I told her rushedly as I swam quickly towards the plant woven entrance.
I was held back at the nursery and now I was going back to be late to meet John-
"Wait, mom, where are you going?" Scarlett asked curiously.
I've always known Scarlett was curious and intrusive, but normally she never asked where I was going, always assuming I was going to the nursery.
"I need to check up on some of nursery. children, they are causing a fuss." I lied.
I kissed her on the head, sensing that she was not happy being alone with no company to bug.
"Good bye, I love you. Don't give your sister any grief." I told her, swimming off into the dark blue abyss.
I quickly swam behind to the back of the den, taking the obscurity potion.

The days where beginning to end later, the sun still slightly visible shinning small rays onto the ocean, so I was a little more visible than normal.
Just another reason to hurry, lashing my tail furiously for wasting precious time that could be spent in the hopes of finally ending a plan that lasted over 16 years.
I got to the cave right when the sun has set, and wiped away my tears.
They hall without me noticing anymore, as I'm always thinking about what I'm going to soon loose.
I found John in the cave with other humans.
The only time I've met a human other than John before was when I had to deliver DNA for their research, and that was only one small human.
You can imagine how overwhelming a group of 15 could be.
It's ok, I reassured myself.
These are the people John had been working with all these years- people he trusts. I can trust them, as well.
"Neline?" John called out, still not able to see me.
"I'm coming!" I called back, swimming farther to the back on the shore of the small cave.
He dropped the bottle of in-obscurity beside me, still unaware of my whereabouts.
I took the bottle and swigged it quickly.
The other humans jolted slightly with suppose when I came into view, then the looked stunned.
I glanced worriedly to John, and he embraced me and wiped one new tear from my face.
He seemed so serious, yet he new how to soften up.
"This is Neline, the Aquarian you all know about. She has been a tremendous part in this plan."
They all came forward and shook my hand, saying things like "It's amazing to finally meet you," and "You are extremely brave," commented by a tall blond haired man.
The other Scientists where quite thin, but they still looked proper and where wearing their lab coats.
A short freckled man popped who had turned to fix a ship stride forward.
"The ship is ready whenever you are ready to go." He said.
"Right. Neline wants to come along directions from Neline, and then w'ell be able to take notes and create the map in the ships hard-drive so we can program the data to be accessed throughout the ships system." He said to the scientists.
"Non- human here, John." I reminded him jockingly.
"Sorry, honey, I've been distracted with everything. I meant that we needed your directions so that we could quickly explore the Aquarian community so that if something goes wrong on the actual mission, we'll have a map of where to exit the area." He explained to me.
"You need to be careful going around there. Yes, there are rules against Aquarians going out at night, but if someone heard the ship and was rebellious enough to go outside, they might see you. I can't even imagine the uproar." I warned, terrified at the thought of something backfiring.
"The ship is obscured well, and so is the generator, as it's quite silent." The freckles man replied, who must be I charge of technical science, the applied sciences.
I nodded in reply, still wary of someone seeing us.
"They would have to actually be swimming in the ocean to see or hear us." John said.
"Ok. That should have to do." I said, knowing they had to have this prior knowledge of the Aquarian territory and that the plan was going as planned.
"Alright, is everyone ready to go?" John asked.
They began loading technology and there notebooks in the back of the ship.
John insisted that I sit in front, where a hidden crevice was.
He gave me an oxygen mask so that I wouldn't breathe polluted air and catch Solaricis.
I was just stepping onto the dock when John turned to me.
" Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked.
"Yes, John. This is a plan I'm very much involved in, as you said. I want to help you, I want to make sure throngs go right." I pleaded with him.
"But if we are caught, there is a chance you could be seen by Aquarians with is." He pointed out.
"John, I'm going to help. I have to help. I am going to take the very small chance." I replied.
He finally nodded, and their was one final- and very important- question - before they started up the engine.
"Is the mission still on for another 6 days? This assessment might take time." A dark haired and tan inquisitive looking scientist asked.
After some hesitation, John replied.
"I will make sure it's done by then. The mission will take place then." He concluded.
The engine started up, and I pressed the mask to my face.
Six days.
Six days till I lose her.
Six days till she will decide what to do, with the help of these Scientists.
Is she ready?
Hey, humans!
What to do you think this plan is that John and Nirene, Marina's mother, have been planning for so long? It seems as if it involves Marina....
Let me know what you think in the comments.
P.S. Those questions will be answered in the book, very soon😉

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