Chapter 3: Hang Out

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Marshall POV

I woke up alone as usual. I live by myself. I don't actually mind because living with my mom wouldn't be any different, it would be even worse. I got up, took a shower, got dressed, and took a few strawberries for later. I felt like floating to school today so I grabbed my keys and left.

I arrived just in time. I was almost late but I made it just before the teacher.

"Good Morning, Class."

"Good Morning, Mrs Hayden!"

"Today we will learn about the history of.............."

I didn't really pay any attention. I don't even need to. I already know all of this.

Then suddenly someone threw a paper at me. I turned around to see who it was. I took the paper and read what it said...

~Hey, Marshall

Can you bring a movie for after school? I don't really have good ones and I watched all of them like a million time. Just bring whatever you got.


I wrote 'Ok' on the paper and threw it back at her and I saw her smile. She kinda looks adorable. She looks likekid's face glued to a teen's body.

School was over and I flew back home to get ready. I got my stuff and was on my way to Fionna.

Fionna POV

I heard a knock on the door and quickly opened it.

"Hey, Marshall."

"Hey, Fionna."

"Come in. What do you wanna do first? Play video games or watch something. Oh and what movie did you bring?" I asked overly excited.

"Video games would be cool and I brought Heat Signature 3."

I started screaming like one of those crazy fan girls, which kinda surprised me because I never do that but Heat Signature is my absolute favorite movie. He held his ears and chuckled.

"That's my absolute favorite! How did you get it? It's not even out yet."

"I know a guy."

We went to the room where all our video games are and started playing. Marshall was really good and it was really fun playing with him.

"Haha that was fun. Usually it's not because I always win against my sister but you are way better than her."

"Thanks. You too,"he said.

"Thanks. You wanna eat something before we watch the movie?"

"Yeah sure."

I went to the kitchen followed by Marshall and took out some food. Wait what do Vampires eat? Don't they drink...blood?

"Uh Marshall?"


"What d-do you e-eat?" it was actually a stupid question because everybody knows they drink blood.

"I drink the color red," he answered.


"Give me an apple and I'll show you."

I tossed him an apple. He sunk his fangs into it and sucked the color out of the apple leaving it gray.

"Weird huh?" he asked.

"No. Wanna watch the movie now?"

"Yeah sure. You know Fionna. Your pretty cool."

I can feel my cheeks getting hotter, which he realized immediately and he laughed because of how red I was.

"T-Thanks. You, too."

We sat down and put the DVD in. I got comfortable and we started the movie. The movie was awesome. It's about 8pm right now which isn't really late but what else could we do?

"Wanna go to the park?" Marshall asked.

"Sure. Wait let me get my jacket."

I got my keys and left. We walked in silence for a while until I broke it...

"Are you and the others even friends?"

"Huh? Well...not all of them. Just Sam and Fia. They're fine. Even if they can get really annoying but Flay and Gumball are just dumb. I'm only nice to them because of my mom's deal with their kingdoms but I couldn't care less."

"Oh. Where is your mom?"

"She's in the Nightosphere."

"The what?"

"Nightosphere. It's a dumb place. It's actually where all evil originates."

"Not all of them are evil. You're not."

"Haha I guess."

"Why isn't your mom here instead?"

"First, she can't leave the Nightosphere because she rules it. Second, she doesn't care about me anyway. Sometimes I wonder if she even remembers I'm her son."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. So what's with your family? Why are you the only human?"

"I-I'm adopted. My parents found me in a forest when I was a baby. I don't really know anything about my biological family except that they're probably humans," I explained.

"I'm sorry," is all he said but I couldn't blame because there is really nothing else to say.

"It's okay. It's really fun to hang out with you. But I think I better get home. Cake is probably gonna get worried and it's getting cold."

"Want me to carry you home?"

"Uh I don't know...."

"It's gonna be fine and besides you'll be home quicker."


He suddenly picked me up bridal style (which by the way made me blush like really bad) and flew me home. He left shortly after that. That was really fun. I think we're gonna be good friends.

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