Chapter 21: Rescued & Left

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Marshall POV

I really didn't feel like doing anything after what happened today but I'm not going to miss band practice because of of it.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Hey, Marshall? Are you ok?" Rocky asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked confused.

"Well, because of the fight with Fionna. We heard you stormed out of the classroom pretty angry," Zack explained.

"Who told you that?" I mean I know things like that get spread pretty quick but I didn't think they would know until maybe tomorrow.

"Well, pretty much the whole school knows that. You are the school's bad boy after all," Rocky answered.

"But they didn't give much detail. So what was the fight about?" Zack asked.

"Nothing. Let's just start with the song," I changed the subject and looked for my song book but I couldn't find it anywhere. "I'll be right back. I think I left my song book in the classroom."

"Ok, we'll set up everything," Zack said.

I left the practice room and headed towards my class. I hope it's not locked otherwise I would have to break the door, which would land me a trip to the principal's office. Then I would have to listen to him going on and on how it's bad to destroy school's property. After a few minutes of walking I finally reached the classroom. I could hear voices behind the door. I think the one voice was Gumball but I'm not sure who the other person was with him. I don't want to deal with him so I'll just get my songbook tomorrow. I was about to leave when I heard a scream. That sounded like...Fionna!

I kicked the door open and couldn't believe what was happening in front of me. That idiot was trying to rape Fi. They both still had their clothes on so that's a good sign.

I ran to Gumbutt and knocked him out with one powerful punch.

Fi fell to the floor with tears in her eyes. She got up and was about to hug me but I didn't let her. I know I seem like a jerk right now but even though I'm trying to convince myself that what happened earlier isn't that serious, it was. It pained me to hear her say that. Usually I don't care what people say about me because I don't care about the person but it's different with her.

"I was helping an innocent person that's all. Besides I came here to get my songbook," I looked around and found it laying on my desk. I took it and just simply left.

Fionna POV

He rescued me and then just left. He just left me. But honestly I don't blame him. I shouldn't have called him a horrible friend. He was right and I was wrong but I couldn't see it.

I'm the horrible friend not him. I was to stubborn and didn't believe him even though he just wanted to protect me. I can't believe I trusted Gumball more than Marshall.

I grabbed my stuff and went home. I wasn't hungry so I told Cake that I'm just going to go to my room and sleep. I changed my clothes and just laid there on my bed thinking about everything that happened today.

I can't believe I lost my best friend.

I started crying and I cried until I fell asleep.


I woke up the next day in a bad mood so I didn't even try to put a smile on my face. Cake asked a couple of times what was wrong with me but I just didn't want to talk about it.

"Cake, I'm leaving. I'll see you later," I said.

"Ok, have a nice day. Love you," I grabbed my jacket and went outside. Luckily today was Friday, the last school day of the week. After a while of walking I finally arrived at school.

People were looking at me like I did something wrong. Mostly the girls. I just ignored them and kept walking.

"Fionna! Wait!" Fia called. I stopped and waited for her to catch up.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing really...but I have to talk to you. Come," she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the girl's restroom.

"What is it?" I asked again.

"Ok, so, have you realized everybody is talking about you?"

"No, but they were staring at me the whole time. Why?"

"Well, Marshall isn't at school today," she answered.

"So?" I don't know where this is going.

"Well, everybody is blaming you for it. He is the school's most popular guy and a lot of girls want him but if he's not there they can't have him, which makes them angry. And in their eyes your the cause," she explained.

"So basically the whole school is against me?"

"No, not the entire school. Just the entire female population of the school," Fia said. "But could I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what?"

"What exactly did you say to make him so mad?" I hesitated to answer her.

"He kindamaybe told me that Gumball and Flay aren't as nice as they seem and then I kindamaybe told him that he doesn't know what he's talking about and that he's a terrible friend," I answered. She looked stunned at first but then she started grinning. "Why are you grinning," I wondered.

"It means he totally likes you but I'm sure he's just to stubborn to realize it," she said. I can feel my face heating up.

"W-What? We are friends....well, I mean we were," I frowned. I don't even think we are friends anymore. He probably hates me.

"Don't worry he'll forgive you," Fia assured me. "Now turn that frown upside down and let's head to class before we're late."

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