Chapter 1

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“Taylor!” I hear Maggie exclaim. I run and hug her. Jake’s sister was playing matchmaker with both of us. She knew we were both single and we happened to meet at a charity event a few months back. She kept saying little things about how I was so sweet or nice and about Jake being single. I guess you could say that everything just fell perfectly into place, just like the autumn leaves of the Thanksgiving season. This is a big step, I guess. Meeting Jake’s family. He hasn’t met my family before, but I’m sure that’s coming soon, if my parents will even talk to me.

To say the least, my parents were furious. A few weeks earlier, I told them I couldn’t go to family Thanksgiving in Nashville. When they asked me why, I just said I couldn’t. Until a week ago, when my mom called me and demanded a reason. So I told her. “I can’t go because I’m having Thanksgiving with Jake and his family instead.” She knew about us, but she didn’t know we were anything serious. I remember her saying words and phrases about how he’s too old for me or that Thanksgiving is a holiday to be spent with family. “Maybe one day they will be family!” That was the last thing I said to my mother. I hung up the phone then, not wanting to hear her response.

Why should I care what she says any ways. I’m almost 21 years old. I should be able to go anywhere with anyone whenever. I can’t think about this. It’s too exhausting and it’s not even worth my time to think about. I never told Jake. I just him that I told that my parents were hoping I would make it to Nashville for Thanksgiving but it was fine if I didn’t come.

“It’s so great to see you again!” I say to Maggie. “Why don’t you come and sit.” Maggie directs us to a large dining room accented with a huge table. Jake’s parents stand up as we walk in. “Mom, dad, this is Taylor.” Jake says introducing us. After all formalities are through, we sit down and Maggie comes to the table announcing dinner will be ready soon.

Like usual, they ask me questions about my family and my career like most people do. After a few minutes, I feel my phone vibrate. I quickly look down.

Text from Jake: I wish we could just be alone right now

I want to laugh, but I can’t.

Me: LOLZ wish I could actually laugh

Jake: Ikr this is so boring

Me: Ya I know and the worst thing is, I have a song idea in my head

Jake: Let me guess, it’s about breaking up with this boring conversation jk

Me: Lol only if…

I probably should stop texting. “Well you’ve heard so much about me, how about you tell me about your family!” I say avoiding conversation. “Oh, yes. I have some stories about Jake when he was younger!” I try and sound more interested, “I would love to hear them!” I say finally taking my scarf off my neck. I zone off thinking about other stuff, like the tour for Speak Now and what not, until one line catches me, “I remember when Jake was on the t-ball team.” And once again, I have a song idea and nothing to do with it. I keep repeating in my head and whenever his parents weren’t looking right at me, I whipped out my phone and typed in the notes, “Your mothers telling stories about you on the t-ball team.”


A/N: OMS! Starting the writing process of this story has been so fun! I hope you notice the lyric dropping ;) Please tell me if you like it! And please keep reading :)

Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal - All Too WellWhere stories live. Discover now