Chapter 2

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Those eyes.... my mind ponders as I look beside me every now and then inbetween stories. I have never, like ever, been so in love, or at least loved SOMEONE this much. Only once or twice were we lucky enough to glance at each other at the same time, and have our blue eys lock perfectly. Something about these few glances gives me this assuring feeling like he will never, ever leave. He doesn't even need to say a word, I know. I only stay about half-tuned into any of the stories his parents are telling. I hear the words "photo album" come up in a sentence or phrase and finally snap out of it. I see his mom get up and ask Maggie if she "has any of the pictures that she gave her a few years back." After Maggie explains were they are, she quietly interrupts, "Um, Taylor, can I see you in the kitchen for a moment?" "Well, um, ya, I guess so." Jake gives me this sarcastic smile, and I exchange the look, and get up to follow Maggie to the kitchen. "So, you and my little bro are really falling for each other, aren't you?" I just blush and give a little smile while looking down. "Well I know how crazy he is about you, and I have a feeling you are too?" She says in a gossipy voice. I again, just smile, blush, and look down. "Well, i've never felt this way before with anyone." "And he hasn't either. He loves you and he's going to tell you." I just smile wide at her and walk back to the table, looking wide eyed at my blue-eyed love. His mom has just returned with the photoalbums. She starts flipping the first few pages. I see the most adorable picture of Jake when he's just a little kid, red faced, with glasses. I blurt out a flirty laugh. "Look at how cute you were",  I say, as we simultaneously grab hands in plain view. I realize this is a one way street; although I'm spending a holiday, looking through old pictures with his family. Not something we would do with my family. They were really mad at me just for coming. I wish they could see how happy I am in moments like this. I want to capture it, remember it (sometimes I even reference myself).When I'm actually looking at the pictures, I can sense he is looking admirably at me. I get this giddy feeling just thinking about it. I don't even have to see it but I do catch it once or twice. Soon, we eat our wonderful Thanksgiving meal thanks to Maggie. I stayed more quiet for the rest of the time. When Maggie brings out her homemade desserts, I end up striking up a conversation about my love of baking. I hear a mumble with the words, "not typical 20 year old, baking, not partying." I get that a lot. "Well this was just amazing, we must do this again." We all stand as we both start to walk to the door. "Yes it was. It was lovely meeting you all!" I exclaim as I hug everyone, just like I do at my concerts and before accepting an award. And with that, our blue eyes lock once again, forgetting about my scarf, we smile, and open the door and exit the place that felt cold as I walked through, the place that felt like home somehow....


THERE IT IS! I know I haven't put up a new chapter in awhile but I had some writers block :-/

Anyways, I am planning on having another 2 or 3 chapters up by this time next week because I planned out what direction I want to go with this story and want to share these ideas with my readers! AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 100 READS! PLEASE KEEP READING AND SHARE THIS STORY!

XOXOXO Madison

Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal - All Too WellWhere stories live. Discover now