Chapter 7

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* Later that day*

(On the phone with Selena)

Selena: So what happened with you and lover boy so to speak?

Taylor: Well, not much, it was a nice Thanksgiving and all...

Selena: I know you're hiding something!

Taylor: Well... he did tell me that he loves me!

Selena: OMG TAYLOR! I'm so happy for you!

Taylor: Thanks; so what's been up with you?

Selena: Same old same old...

Taylor: Is something wrong with you and Justin?

Selena: No! Everything's fine! It's just that we've been together longer so we've been through that enchanting phase and it's not as great once you've been together for awhile. Don't get me wrong, you'll still feel in love, but it will all feel different.

Taylor: Really? Well I have to go. I have a tour meeting soon. I have to get ready.

Selena: Ok, I'll talk to you later!

Taylor: Bye Selena!

- End of Conversation-

I couldn't listen to what she had to say anymore. She's basically telling me how my relationship will go just because hers is not going good.

I really do have to start getting ready to leave the house though. I walk up the dark cherry wood stairs to my grand bedroom. I open my French door closet to my thousands of clothing items. I gingerly search through each individual item. After much consideration, I chose a dark grey loose tank with a Starbucks logo, some light wash and slightly ripped jeans, a big loose black sweater/sweater, and black combat boots. After I'm fully dressed, I go into my grand bathroom and pick out some makeup items to use. I pick out my favorite natureluxe silk foundation from Covergirl, a Stila pressed powder, a Maybelline blush, Covergirl linexact liquid liner, an Urban Decay eye shadow palette, Bobbi Brown mascara, and a Maybelline cherry me baby lips. I quickly grab my favorite purse and head out the door.

~ Page Break ~

I, like always, have a Starbucks craving. I don't want to get pounded by people, so I go through the drive through. "Welcome to Starbucks! What would you like?" I quickly ponder the question. "I would like a grande gingerbread latte." "That will be $4.45!" I pull my car up to the window. When the barista turns around, she shouts, "It's TAYLOR SWIFT! My daughter absolutely loves you! Can you sign this!" She hands me a cd booklet she must just have, laying around? Anyways, I sign and smile at her. "Here's your latte! And I hear you're dating Jake Gyllenhaal!" I smile and take the latte. "Thanks you." I praise. "NO, thank you!" I smile again and pull out.

I feel my phone vibrate. I quickly pull it out to see it's a text from Jake.

"Hey baby :) Miss u :( and I love you :)"

I smile big. I'm at a stoplight, but I don't want to start texting him and then the light turns green and then I have to finish the text, I don't text and drive. Instead, I call him. As soon as I dial, the light turns green and I go. He answers.

Jake: Hey baby. Why didn't you just text me?

Me: I'm driving and I don't text and drive

Jake: Oh, but you talk

The last thing sounded extremely sarcastic

Me: Stop it!

I say it in a cute, not serious way

Jake: So did you go to your tour thing yet

Me: No, I'm on my way though. I stopped at Starbucks, and this barista at the drive through was all like, 'so I hear you're dating Jake Gyllenhaal'

Jake: What did you say back to her?

Me: I just smiled and said thank you after she handed me my latte

Jake: Well I have some good and bad news; I have to be in Chicago to film a movie in December and it's right around your birthday I have to be there. The director said we have to be on set on the 9th until the 12th and it could be until the 13th if we can't get the few scenes we need done. I don't wanna be apart from you on your 21st birthday though.

Me: I really hope you can be with me. My party is in LA at my house in the hills. I'm basically gonna wake up that morning and go crazy cooking and decorating the house.

Jake: I know I probably shouldn't be asking this, but are you gonna actually drink? I mean, you're turning 21. Most people go bar hopping when they turn 21.

Me: I'll probably have a little

I just pulled in to the parking lot of the office of my stage designer. I get out of the car and walk in. I see that my mom is sitting, waiting for me. This next thing, I purposely do.

Me: Ok baby, well I have to go now, I'll talk to you when I'm done

Jake: Ok, I love you

Me: I love you too

- End of call -

"Was that um, Jake?" My mom asks. "Well, ya. He is my boyfriend and yesterday I told me that he loved me for the first time and I said it back." I say sounding quite sassy. "Honey, after John I realized that you now know what's right for you. I can't control what's right for you, only you can. And Jake seems to make you very happy and if you're happy, then I'm perfectly fine." "Thanks mom." I say, hugging her.


Hey guys. I know I haven't posted much on this story much but that's mostly because I've been working on some other stories. Not to worry, more updates will be coming for this story though! I wanted to thank you for giving this story 400 READS! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO SO SO MUCH!

XOXOXO Madison

Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal - All Too WellWhere stories live. Discover now