Chapter 5

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"Are you seriously up for 13 straight hours in the car?" I question him. "Well if it's 13, nothing bad can happen, right?" He jokingly replies. I laugh and look down. "Well I guess I'm up for it if you are!" I exclaim. "Of course I am." He flirtishly replies. I just smile at him while our blue eyes lock. I look at my phone, 3:30; we had an early dinner. "So, a 13 hour road trip with my boyfriend, how interseting..." We both look at each other and let out a playful laugh. "Well let's get going!" I proclaim exitedly. He glares over at me and I just look down and smile. "Putting together twin fire signs and four blue eyes? How dangerous sounding!" He exclaims. "The best... worst... most interesting combination!" I shout. We laugh once again in unison. 

I can't remember the last time I was this, actually, SO happy. With Joe, it seemed like he was never completley satisfied just being with me. I noticed it, but I just stayed quiet until I knew it was confirmed, when we broke up and 3 days later he was with his girlfriend that he had when we were still dating. That was my first love. My first love being a technical adult. What a young, stupid, 18 year old I was. I know I'm not quite 29, like Jake, but I know I've become alot more mature since that. 

With Taylor, as good as he was to me, something didn't feel quite right. That's why I broke up with him. You can ust listen to Back To December to know that I was regretful soon after. It tookme until now to realize; we weren't 100% soulmates, meant to be, even if we seemed to be perfect in every other way. That's what feels so right about this; everything is falling perfectly in place as cliche as it sounds.

With John, NOTHING felt right. I remember the voices I heard, "Stay away from him", "He's not good for you." I was the same age I was now, but I was a very young 20; a 20 that hadn't grown so much emotionally as I have being the late 20 I am now. 

~ Page Break ~

"I was just thinking how we don't have a song..." I heard my song as we flipped radio stations. We burst out in annoying sing along, "OUR SONG IS A SLAMMING SCREEN DOOR, SNEAKING OUT LATE TAPPING ON YOUR WINDOW!" We both look at each other and errupt in laughing. I turned the volume and dare mentioned, "We actually don't have a song..." "This is our song." I smile over at him and rest my head on his arm he doesn't have on the steering wheel. I glance at my phone, 8:45. Time flies when you're with someone you love and love being with. I sneak a selfie of us, well, me, when Jake isn't looking. I go to my twitter and tweet the pic with the caption, " A 13 hour road trip with the best boyfriend in the whole world <3." I smile up at him and show him the caption. He lightly kisses my forehead while he continues to drive. 

For awhile we just tell stories; the kind of stories you wouldn't tell anyone else. I tell him some stories from being on tour. He goes in to detail about the stroies his mother told today. As time drags, my eyes feel heavy and before I know it (about 11:30 in actual time), I'm in a land, dreaming of the more nights like this. 


Hey guys, sorry for the shortness of the chapter (even though I usually write pretty short chapters)

I am having so much fun writing this story and at first I thought it would just be something one person from Taylor Connect who is really bored would read, but almost 200 reads, that's unbelievable!  

Thanks so much for the reads, votes, and comments

XOXOXO Madison

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