Chapter 6 (It's A Big One!)

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She looks so peaceful, so beautiful. I know it's a cliche but cliches are only overused because they are true Today was a day that made me see our whole relationship in a new way. It seems like we both can lose ourselves in each other, just by being around each other. It seems like she does too, but I hate being away from each other. It's like a part of each of us always stays with the other and we won't ever get it back because a piece of our love is always with them. Love.

That's one thing that has been on my mind all week, but so much today. The word love. Neither of us have said it to each other in the I love you sort of way, but we know inside that we do. It's like that thing you're almost afraid to say but you you know you want to say it. I guess the only reason I haven't said it is because I didn't know if she would say it back and it would hurt so much to love someone as much as I love her and not have her say it back. But now I feel like I know she will say it back, I'm not just hoping. She wouldn't have Thanksgiving with my family and agree to go on a 13 hour road trip in the same day if she didn't even love me the slightest. 

I've made my mid up. I'm going to say it, I have to say it. I will. I will say those three words that will forever change us, "I love you."

*Back to Taylor's POV*

I love sleep, not just because I have such a tiring schedule and career, but I love being in a total trance of dreams and fantasy. I love shutting out the world and having time to take your mind and body away from earthly thought and go into an internal universe that we ourselves can dictate. SInce December, most of my dreams are about Taylor Lautner. I would see him and finally say the things I need to say or take back the things I did say. Those kinds of dreams, the once you hope to happen but won't, are the worst kind, they're so bittersweet. BUt since I met Jake, I don't have those bittersweet dreams. I have dreams that I kow might come true and dreams that have come true. Whenever I have dreams about us, I never thought that a single one of them couldn't come true. I feel like anything's possible. 

I'm starting to feel like there's some words both of us have left unsaid though. In any situation where an serious couple would say I love you, we seem to end up acting all wierd. I truly hope it's not because he truly doesn't mean it. If he didn't mean it, why would he ask me to meet his family and suggest we drive 13 hours together? I wish I thought less about this. It often distracts me from how much I love being with him. How much I love him. BUt there's only so long I can wait around for him to feel or admit that's how he feels. But I have this image in my head, an image of what our relationship will be. In my image, he tells me he loves me every chancehe gets because he doesn't want me to ever doubt he does like I am doing right now. So far eveything else in my image has proven right and I hope this will too. 

~ Page Break~

I awake to a car clock reading 1:45. As I slowly forse myself awake, I mumble, "How much longer should we have?" "Actually we are moving faster than I thought and we should be in Nashville in about 30 minutes. Which one of your houses are we going to though?" I give him the adress of my big Nashville house decorated the opposite of my antique style but more toward my glamourus style; it's the house were my adorbale Mere is right now. 

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