Chapter 12

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* Later, about 2 AM *

I haven't slept.

How could I?

My mind draws blank when I try to write something, despite his protests.

Instead, I write down any lyrics of mine and strum a few chords despite the tears .

" I still remember the look on your face, lit through the darkness at 1:58

You told me you loved me so why did you go away?

I go back to December all the time

One second is was perfect now you're half way out the door

You flash back to when he said forever and always

Can't turn back, now I'm haunted."

I put the journal and the guitar down. I bury my head in my hands and just,


After awhile of just, crying, I take my phone out, as much as it hurts to, and take a picture of the page with the words on it. As much as he would hate it, I send it to Jake.

After a few minutes, I get a long response

"I told you, we're done; for now. We are soul mates, meant to be. Every single time I was with you, I didn't know what I was feeling, because I had never felt it with anyone else. Everytime I said that I love you, I meant it, with all of my being. I said we can be together now, or never. You chose never because you were too afraid to loose me now. I'm afraid of the opposite, losing you later. I couldn't. You don't think this hurts me? You don't think I wish we could be together and just be, happy? It's what I have to do NOW, but you, you are what I need FOREVER. Whenever I can finally be with you, totally, I will come for you. I'll find you. All make you mine again. I'll make this right, I'll love you. I'll love you forever. I'll never let you go again. I love you more than you know."

How does he expect me to answer that whole text? I can't. I'll leave him at this, FOREVER.



Did you guys like that I purposely used the word forever a lot? I thought it would be really cool to end sort of mysteriously with, FOREVER.

Guys, I'm crying here; ONE MORE CHAPTER! I really think the ending point of the next chapter is a good place to end the 1st book. There will not be an epilogue, but my second book will have one, but may not have one if I decide to do a third book which is unlikely. I'll rant more about how much I loved writing this on the next chapter or in author's note.

XOXOXO Madison

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