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{Myle’s POV}

The next day we were engaging in Creative arts in the living room. The only room we did all our learning in. Some of the kids brought their laptops or their tablets for digital music projects to work on. I love music! I noticed chres was bouncing to the beat on his laptop using Fruity loops and making beats. He wore his blue beats by dre headphones so I couldn’t heat what the flow was like. Jacob was listening to music on his phone while writing something in his journal. Lolo was on her phone jamming out to music to and lip syncing. She looked hilariously silly. There were some parts of the song that she would actually sing out words and when she did people told her to shut up because she couldn’t sing. It was terrible. Zoey, Zohniyya or whatever her name is brought a mannequin head and was practicing her make-up skills on it. She had put too much make-up on her and if that mannequin could speak it would say: “BITCH WHY THE FUCK YOU GOT ME LOOKIN LIKE A DAYUM CLOWN. YOU DON’T KNOW THE MEANING OF THE WORD ENOUGH.” I chuckled to  myself cuz I could imagine it too. I looked towards ray’s direction and this guy had a canvas standing on silver thingies just drawing a portrait. He was half-way finish. It looked real good from my view. He had tied his hair into a bun so that his ponytails wouldn’t get in the way. He was moving in all kinds of angles just to have each detail of the portrait on point. Never would I expect him to draw like that. These kids have potential. Well some of them do.

Ms. Carrie was sitting in the room doing one of her daughter’s hair while the TV was on. Her kids were watching “Yo Gabba Gabba.” Ninja and Taleem was listening to some inspirational music i think. Desiree was practicing painting both her finger nails and toe nails as Ms. Carrie had to bring two tall oscillating fans in the living room to blow away the polished fumes so we all could breathe. I was writing some lyrics as a little rap. Something I do on my off time.

MC: Oh Myles I didn’t introduce you to my children yet. *pats girl on shoulder* Well this little angel right here is my eldest daughter at five years. The one whom I’m plaiting her hair is Miss Adrianna, my youngest daughter (3 years) by the TV is Taj’nique and my infant son who is sleeping in the crib over by basimah, his name is Darrell.  *looks down at andri* Say hey to myles dri dri.

Adrianna: Haiiii

Me: Hello Adrianna!

She smiled cutely and clapped her hands. Awww how adorable. MC finished plaiting dri dri’s hair as she walked up to the TV to join her sister and continued to watch “Yo Gabba Gabba.” I was curious to know about Ms. Carrie if she didn’t mind. Before I said something I saw Ninja, Taleem, Zoey, Barjaa and Leyla all get up to walk down the hallway quietly. I raised my eyebrow to wonder where they were going. I didn’t know that we were allowed to go in the back other than the bathroom.

MC: You lookin all confused there Myles, you ok?

Me: Oh yes ma’am. I was just wondering where the others were going since…I mean I know it’s not my business or nothing but I didn’t know that we were allowed to go down the hall past your  bathroom Ms. Carrie.

MC: Well no you’re not supposed to but they have my permission ahead of time. Those five have special permission to pray in one of the rooms back there. You see they are Muslim which means one of their requirements to fulfill to their God are to pray five times a day so throughout homeschool you’ll see them get up to go in the back so they can take care of their religious duties. Now although I am a Christian woman, I let them pray here I have no problem with that as long as they ain’t practicing voo-doo, witchcraft, worshipping Satan, or anything wicked then I will have some problems. Usually when they leave I anoint the room with oil just in case.

Me: Oh ok. So why does Basimah cover her whole body like that? Does she have a disease or a strange condition or something?

MC: *giggles* No basimah doesn’t have neither of those things. She chooses to dress like that why I don’t know you have to ask her that. To be honest I was quite scared of her when she first came to me last year.

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