Special Girl

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{Taley’s POV}

Me and zoey were on our way to pick up basi. Today is Friday again and as always I have to leave school early and barjaa and basi wanted to come along. I wanted to ask zoey if she wanted to come. I know that it’s an option for females to come to the masjid but still. I don’t like leaving my sister behind each Friday. I worry about her. Instead of staying home by herself she could really benefit from jumuah prayer with the rest of her brothers and sisters in islam.

Me: Zoey

Zoey: Yes taley?

Me: Would you like to come to the masjid with me today? Imam Saadullah will give a beautiful sermon.

Zoey: No that’s ok and I know he will give a beautiful sermon but still I would like to stay home.

Me: *sighs* Well ok, but you will miss out on all the sisters wonderful home cooking.

Zoey: ehh I can past.

Me: Well aren’t you in a need of a new jilbab? I know you wanna sparkle and shine and wanna be fine, but NOT in a sexy way tho.

Zoey: *smiles* yea I guess I do need another jilbab. Well actually an abaya. And if I get a new abaya then I need a new hijab to match it.

[A/N basically an abaya is a long dress with long sleeves and a hijab is a head covering. A jilbab combines both the head cover and dress all in one]

Me: Ok. That can be arranged. IF you come along.

Zoey: Awww taley why you gotta be like that?

Me: *shrugs* cuz, if you really want the abaya and hijab. You gotta come to jumuah prayer with me in order to get it.

Zoey: Can’t I just tell you which color and the size of the abaya and hijab I want and then you can bring it home to me?

Me: *shakes head* Nope. It doesn’t work like that. You either come and pick it out yourself or you don’t get it at all.

Zoey: FINE!

Me: *excited* So does that mean you’ll come with me then?

Zoey: NO. I meant “fine” as in forget it. I’ll just order one online like usual. Besides I know dad will buy me a new one anyways.

Me: Well ok. Even though it’s better to buy local rather than over the internet the choice is yours.

Zoey: THANK YOU. Glad we understand each other.

 We reached basimah’s house as we greeted her dad and moved on to the rasheed’s house. Well at least I tried asking zoey if she wanted to come but oh well.

{Desiree’s POV}

Today my daddy dropped me off this morning at Ms. Carrie’s house. I texted ray if he was gonna walk me to school but I received no answer from him so I told my dad to swing by burger king a few miles down the road and dropped me off to school before he went to work. I’m gonna ask chres if he wants to go to the fair with me next week.



I looked around to find ray cuz usually he would always want some of my breakfast but he was nowhere to be found. I sat down in an empty seat by myles as I said my grace and unwrapped my breakfast biscuit.

Me: *talks with full mouth* Has anyone seen ray?

Jacob: Ew desiree please close yo mouth. Nobody wants to see that.

Chres: Yea I agree with Jacob. That’s un lady like.

Me: *swallows food* Oh my bad. Sorry. *blushes*

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