Damn that bitch

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{Jacob’s POV}

Today was a Thursday morning which meant in Cedar Terrace that it was garbage day. Mom and Grandma already left so I went into all the rooms, gathered all the trash and took it out to the garbage can. YUCKY. I had my blue latex gloves on the whole time. I don’t like touching trash but someone has to do it. I gathered the recyclables from off the counter and tossed them into the blue bin. I think I’m the only person on my block that recycles. After I did that I pulled the garbage can out front so that all the garbage men had to do was swing by, empty the can and move on. Then I grabbed the recyclable bin and placed it right next to the can. Once I was done I went back inside and thoroughly cleaned my hands. It was time for breakfast.

I whipped me up something for me and my boo chres. Usually he misses his breakfast because of his father. Poor baby. I made him his favorite. Strawberry pancakes, three sausage links, 3 scrambled eggs and when we get to Ms. Carrie’s house he’ll have something to drink there. I placed our breakfast in a BPA free plastic container and headed out the door. While I was waiting for my boo to come by and walk with me to school even though it was just a block from where I lived the garbage truck came by and the men jumped off the truck. I decided to greet them.

Me:*smiles* Hello guys! How are you on this lovely morning?

Garbage man: *smiles* Hello there! I’m doing wonderful and you?

Me: I’m great. Hey thanks for taking out the trash every day and keeping the planet clean. You guys are very important people and I wanted you to know that.

GM: Awww thanks. You take care now.

Me: *smiles and waves* Byeeee

The garbage man told Princeton good-bye as the truck moved on to the next house. There was a terrible smell that lingered as the truck was still on the same street as I fanned my breathing area wanting it to move. I sighed and looked around. It was around 8’oclock. One of my neighbors across the street was getting ready to work. I called out to them to say good morning and they told me good morning back as they started their car and drove off. I heard some dogs barking as some thugs turned the corner in all black walking their pitbulls. GREAT. My smile faded. Those guys were nothing but trouble. Every day while I wait for my boyfriend to come pick me up these guys would come down my street to give me trouble. For what? I didn’t do anything.

Boy: Hey what’s up fag?

Boy 2: Yea, where’s you mommy?

The boys laughed.

Me: At work.

Boy 3: At work? Shouldn’t she be in the strip club, twerking for dollars?

The boys laughed

Me: *mumbles* No it’s YOUR mother that’s twerking for dollars.

The third boy turned to face me and walk up to me with his pitbull. He was angry and the dog was sniffing around.

Boy 3: FAGGOT what did you say?

That’s NOT my name.

Me: I said Good morning to you too.

Boy 3: *shakes head* Nah, that ain’t what you said. I want you to REPEAT whatchu just said.

Me: *shakes head* Sorry, but I don’t repeat myself for nobody.

Boy 3: Well you better repeat yourself or I’ma….

The dog growls at Jacob because he smell some delicious food on him.

Dog: *barks*

Boy 3: *massages dog* Awww you hungry mac?

Dog barks

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