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I enjoyed writing this book but i'ma go ahead and end it here.

Turns out that chres has dropped outta homeschool

Jacob was growing on myles and the two of them had a secret relationship

Chres got a job in Sunlight park mowing the lawn

Jacob got a job by housekeeping from a wealthy senior in sunlight park. He had to wear a french maid outft. Jacob's employer grew fond for jacob and start lavishing him with gifts

Desiree and ray eventually went out

Myles told Taley about Nique's secret with diggy. She shamed her family so she had to be kicked out of the family. She stayed with Diggy and stopped practicing her religion.

Leyla finally got her period near prom time and had to start covering. 

After the gang graduated Mrs. Carrie's homeschool, taley was arranged to marry basihmah and the too got married.

Jacob got his operation and now he goes by the name Jalina Perez. He moved from his mom's house and met another transgender at the store that offered a place for him to stay. Chres was so busy working that he forgot about jacob (jalina)

Later on when chres was walking home he got caught in a gang fight and ches got shot and ended up dying. All the homeschool kids went to the doctor and he was pronounced dead. They were all sad. Especially jalina. Jalina and Myles started dating.

The end.

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