Chapter 8

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"YOU FUCKING PRICK!" I screamed. I hopped over my countertop and jumped in him and started punching and punching him. I kept hitting him until he was knocked out cold. Someone pulled me off top of him, I looked up to see my manager, oops. "Your Fired! Get your stuff and leave! Your lucky I'm not calling the cops!" I snorted.

"Fuck off." I threw my apron and stuff at him and stormed out of the store. I was furious, I drove around for an hour until Niall called. "Hey you off your shift yet?" He asked hopefully. "Yeah." I said in a fake cheery voice. He saw right through it. "Babe what's wrong?" He asked. "I got fired." I told him. Truth is I didn't care, the manager was a dick. "Oh sorry to here that princess, but come home please." He begged. It was adorable. "Okay."

I drove back to Niall's house not noticing the blood on my hands. I walked into the house and I saw Niall. I walked up to him and gave him a tired hug. "Hey princess, let's get you to bed, you look exhausted." I nodded. He grabbed my hand and was about to kiss it when he stopped. "What's this?" He asked softly. I looked to see, blood? Oh fuck. "Uhmm, well, I-I- I don't know." I lied. "Bullshit, what is this Aaron." He asked angrier. "I don't know okay!"

I got a wave of confidence and pushed past him into the bedroom. Nice Aaron. You just had to not clean your hands. Ewe I have blood on my hands. I walked to the bathroom and washed, rinsed, and repeated. "Air, open the door please?" Niall said in a defeated and apologetic tone. I heard him slide down the door. I heard the strumming of a guitar. He plays guitar?! Like when, I though that was decoration! Then I heard light singing. What the fuck? He sings? When? This boy is keeping way to many secrets for me to keep up with.

"Going back to the corner

Where I, first saw you.

Gonna camp in my sleeping bag

I'm not gonna move.

Got some words on cardboard

Got your picture in my hand

Saying, 'If you see this girl can you tell her where I am.'

Some try to hand me money,

But they don't, understand.

I'm not broke, I'm just a broken hearted man.

I know it makes no sense

But what else can I do?

How can I move on, when I'm still in love with you?"

Nice Niall, this song totally relieves my guilt for being a bitch and not telling you...THANKS! *Cue long sarcastic thanks*

"Cause if one day you wake up

And find that your missing me.

And your heat starts to wonder where on this earth I can be?

Thinkin maybe you'll come back here to the place that we meet.

And you see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.

No I'm not moving

I'm not moving yea."

I got up and walked over to the door. I slowly opened it so Niall wouldn't fall back. He looked up at me eyes...bloodshot? Had he been crying? Aww great now I feel more like shit. He got up, and started...BLUSHING? Okay! Who are you, and what have you done with my boyfriend. "That was horrible." He said. I didn't say anything I just kissed him. "I'm sorry Ni and no that was amazing, I didn't know you could sing." He shook his head. "No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. And yea, I've played guitar since I was eleven and I started singing."

The kiss turned into a make out and Niall slowly walked us back to the bed. He started taking off my shirt until I stopped him. "No Ni, I'm sorry, it's just, I'm not ready." He nodded. "Okay. I can wait." I just hugged him. "Hey Air, I sang to you so your turn." He smirked. Aw shit, I sound like a dying cat, in a pig pen full of squealing pigs, next to the ocean, with a dying whale. "Why do you do this to me?!" I jokingly said. "Cos I live you." He smiled. "Mhmm." I muttered. He laughed.

Okay so what songs can I sing?

Grenade? Nah.

Just the way you are? Nah.

When I look at you? Ok I guess.

I took a deep breath.

-this song is from 2009-2010ish, I just kinda pushed shuffle and these songs came up.-

"I'm gonna get you for this Ni." I grumbled.

He laughed and I glared at him for that.

"Everybody needs inspiration.

Everybody needs a song.

A beautiful melody.

When the nights are long.

Cos there is no guarantee,

That this life is easy,

Yea when my, world is falling apart

And there's no, light to break up the dark.

That's when I, I, look at you.

When the waves, are flooding the shore.

And I can't, find may say home Anymore.

That's when I, I, look at you.

When I look at you."

"Okay, that's it I'm not singing anymore." I looked up to see Niall's mouth pretty much dropped to the floor. "Yea, I know I s-"

"That was amazing! Air, seriously, you have a beautiful voice." I smiled at said 'thanks'. We spent the rest of the night talking in each others arms. It was perfect until "What was all that blood on your hands though?" He Asked softly. "I- um- I- I-." I can't lie to him. "I ran into Noah. So I beat him unconscious." Once I said it Niall's body tensed up and his grip around my waist tightened. "You said you beat him unconscious right?" He said through gritted teeth. I nodded. "That's my girl." He smiled. "But Ni, I have a feeling it isn't over." I said, unsure of how he'll act. "Yea well guess what, I'm the man who can't be moved. He smirked. I smiled and pulled him closer to me. "Love you Ni." I smiled. "Love you too." We talked a little bit more then fell asleep.


So it goes from drama to adorable. The wonders of me.

ANYWHALE. I start school this Friday. WAAAAAHHHHH. I will miss you snowflakes. So sadly, that means slow updates.

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