Chapter 3

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Today was Monday. Niall was gonna take me out again today. I got showered brushed my teeth and hair. As soon as Niall came, I was dressed in an oversized sweater and black leggings. He honked the horn and I ran out the door in my black high top converse. I reached the door and I got in. "Hey, you look nice." He complimented me. "Thanks Horan now drive." I demanded. He nodded and started driving. "So where we going?" I asked. "That new restaurant down the street." I nodded and the car settled in an uncomfortable science. I turned on the radio to lighten the mood. Come and Get It by Selena Gomez was playing and I started dancing in my seat and screaming at the top of my lungs.

Niall started to join me and took both hands off the wheel. A car was coming. "NIALL BOTH HANDS ON THE WHEEL!" He frantically put his hands on the stealing wheel and swerved in the right lane barely missing a collision. "Damn, you trying to kill me?" I joked. "Yep, and I'm gonna bury you too, out in an open field that no one visits." He said creepily. I laughed and so did he.

We pulled up to the restaurant and say at a table. It was cute and cozy in here. It was like a little foresty diner. The waiter came and asked what drinks we want. I told him ice-t and niall said Sprite. He winked at me and started walking back. I started feeling uncomfortable. "So what do you do besides boxing?" He questioned. Okay so it's know about each other time. "I work at Starbucks and I go to-SHIT!" I yelled causing people to look over. I rolled my eyes.  

"What?" Niall asked calmly. "School! I have 4 minutes to get there!" I started bolting out the door.

Niall grabbed my arm. "I'll take you." I hopped in his range rover and he bolted it down to my school. "We're here." I looked at the clock. "DAMMIT! I'm late by 5 minutes." I was about to walk in the office but niall grabbed my arm and offered to check me in. I nodded. We walked in the office.

"Ahh, Mrs.Elliot, finally decided to join us?" Mr.Carter my principal asked. He gave me a slip. "Sir. I'm sorry it was my fault Elli- I mean Aaron was late." Niall said sticking up for me. "Okay, you get a pass today but not again you hear me Aaron?" I just thought in my head "no I don't have ears so I can't hear you." But I kept it in my head. I nodded. We walked out of the office and he took me to my class. We walked in my 1st period classroom, Mrs.Erin. Ya she's my favorite teacher. She's nice and her last name is my first name but different spelling.

"Aaron, why were you late today?" She asked nicely. "I-" Niall cut me off. "I'm sorry it was my fault." Niall grabbed my hand and intertwined my fingers with his. The class gasped. "Okay, but this is your last chance."  

I nodded and was about to walk to my desk when Niall pulled me back and kissed my cheek. The class gasped again. "By air." He smiled and winked.

"He probable only dates you out of pity of how horrid you look." The bitch drama queen of my school, Michelle, said. Her little friends Haylee and Anna stood next to her. "Yup that's it." I completely ignored her. Do you know how much restrain I have to not beat the shit out of her? I grabbed my backpack once the bell rang signaling school was over. Her jock boyfriend Broady came up and was pushing me all down the hall. I started walking fast out the door so I wouldn't get caught doing this.

He was about to swing at me but I dodged it and punched him in the jaw and kicked him in the back. He fell and I kicked him in the side. He still got back up and took a swing at my jaw. His fist collided with my jaw and I swung right back at him. I punched him multiple times in the face. He fell to the ground moaning and groaning in pain. Michelle came up and slapped me. Shouldn't have don't that Michelle. I fired back punching her and kicked her until she was just like Broady. I heard a honk behind me and turned around to see the familiar black range rover and hopped in the passenger seat.

"What the hell was that, I mean it was hot but still." Niall asked me. "Payback. Payback was what it was. they don't know when to leave me the fuck alone. And what was that in the classroom?" I asked. "Claiming what's mine. To tell people to back off my girl." He told me. "But I'm not yours." I stated. "You are now, princess. No one should ever be the way I am to you. No one. Your mine. I will hunt down the prick who hurts my girl unless she has done anything something already to them. I don't give up on what I want Aaron. So beware."  




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