Chapter 11

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When I woke up (I was in the spare room) I walked downstairs and headed towards the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and milk and poured some cereal. I looked out the curtain and didn't see Niall's car. I walked upstairs into our room to check if he was in there. He was so i kind of just watched him sleep for a little bit then headed downstairs again. I poured some cereal for Niall and brought it up to him.

  I touched his forehead, "Ni, wake up." I ran my fingers through his hair as he gently stirred in his sleep.

"Hmmmmph." He groaned while stretching. "Aaron?"

"Yea?" I gently sat down next to him, setting the bowl of cereal down on the nightstand. I laid down next to him crawling under the blankets swinging my arm over his chest and burying my head into the crook of his arm.

"I'm sorry." He simply said looking down at me. He had an Active shirt on with Nike basketball shorts. "I'm so sorry baby, and I know last night I left and I wanna say that there was this girl and she kissed me and I pushed her off I swear."

I thought about it for a bit, and I believed him, because any honest person would tell that first to get it off there chest rather than never telling them.

"I believe you. And I forgive you." I kissed his cheek and just laid there in silence.

"I love you." He broke the silence.

"I love you too."

After a while we finally got up. I was just wearing one of his denim button ups over an undershirt with yoga pants.

"Here is your cereal for you that I brought you." I handed it to him.

"Thank you princess." He kissed my forehead. As we were walking out I could feel his eyes on my ass.

"Stop staring at my ass."

"You should wear yoga pants more." I turned around to see him grinning. "Shut up, dork."  Despite the cereal bowl between us he leaned down to kiss me. I pulled away before he could kiss me. He raises his eyebrows then, putting the bowl down, raised his arms. "What was that for?" He asked. "Being a perverted freak." I smiled. Then, putting my arms around his neck, kissed him.

We decided to have a movie marathon consisting of, Divergent, Captain America 1 and 2, The Avengers, Man of steel, and Frozen. We got some off the computer then hooked it up to the T.V.

"Frozen is cheesy."

"Frozen is cute."



We were having a debate. Niall thinks it's cheesy. I think it's cute. Whatever floats his boat I guess.

Niall's phone started ringing. He picked it up.


"Bro I thought I was on break."


"What time?"

"Kay, we'll be there."

He hung up and looked at me "Ready to watch your boyfriend kick ass?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."


We showed up to the arena around eight-ish. I was dressed up in Niall's leather boxing jacket that said 'Horan' on it, jeans, and a v-neck t-shirt. The match was scheduled for eight-thirty. Lou, Zayn and Liam were sat on a bench which is reserved for the opponents friends and family. I set my bag on the next available spot on the bench. "I'm going to go with Niall," I told them. "Watch my stuff."

I walked with Niall hand in hand to his locker. He was carrying a duffel bag with spare clothes, gloves, and other stuff. "Alright baby, I'm going to get changed then warm up for a bit, then I'm going to head out so give me a sec." I nodded and head out towards the bench where Harry was.

"Hey Harry." I sat next to him. "You nervous? I mean since you the coach?"

"No, not really. Niall is a good competitor so he's got this, I hope." Harry replied casually.

"What makes you so sure?"

"He's undefeated."

When he said that Niall walked out in his uniform. "Hey babe." I tilted my head backwards and he came up and kissed me, laughing.

"Stop flirting and get to work Horan." Harry said.

"Yes coach." It's like all friendship dropped and was replaced with professionalism.

Niall took a couple swings at the punching bag and did a few pull ups. I had never noticed this before, but Niall had a couple dog tags on. He wasn't in the military so it's probably a personal made one from a store or something. He was wearing Blue shorts and a white muscle shirt. I assume he'd take that off before he goes in the ring. He did a couple stretches and grabbed his gloves. He practiced punching into a target looking thing that Harry was holding. He looked hot.

"Time for the match." Harry said.

Niall took his shirt off and holy hot damn. I know I've seen him shirtless but damn, someone pass the the holy water.

Niall hopped in the ring and faced his opponent.

The boys were cheering and so was I. Niall turned around and blew me a kiss then winked. The boys of course acted like they had caught the kiss. There were some girl screams behind us and I laughed because they thought it was for them.

Here we go.




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