Chapter 4- Memories

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Simon parked his van where Jace told him to and they all jumped out. They were under a bridge in the middle of the night. "Are we in the right place?" Pip questioned, this definitely did not look the place to meet a secret society "Yeah, this place isn't creepy. Not at all." Simon muttered "Don't tell me you're afraid." Izzy asked smirking "Are you kidding me? I was born afraid! Which sounded a lot better in my head..." he trailed off, Pip shook her head at him. "Let's check it out." Alec started off but Jace held out his arm stopping the three newbies "Wait here a minute. I wanna see if it's safe." he left.

"Why are we doing this? We don't even know these people." Simon whisper yelled "Look, Simon, I know you're freaking out but...they can help us. I don't think google can help retrieve our memories." Pip crossed her arms and he gave her a look. "I just wish mom had trusted me enough to tell me about all this." Clary sighed "She was trying to protect us." Pip put a hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.

"How are you not ultra freaked out by all of this?" Simon asked, Clary shrugged "I guess I just always felt like there was something missing." Pip nodded along "Some void you couldn't quite explain. Things are finally starting to make sense." knowing her memories had been tampered with made Pip itch, like a fog surrounded her brain that wouldn't leave. "But none of it's gonna matter unless I get my mom back." Clary frowned, Simon smiled sadly at Clary "Then let's do that."

Pip noticed the three shadowhunters bickering among themselves. "Everything ok?" they all exchanged looks and Jace nodded "Clary. Come on, it's all clear." he called. Clary immediately wen tot his side with a soft smile, Pip narrowed her eyes at the look....was she seriously crushing on this stranger? Now was not the time...though Pip couldn't help glancing to the eldest Lightwood sibling. Tall, dark hair and dark eyes, strong jaw....he was very handsome she'll give him that. But his demeanor was less than enjoyable, so uptight all the time.

"What is it?" Pip jumped and realized Isabelle was walking alongside her "Nothing, nothing...I was just curious...." Pip hesitated "About?" Isabelle pushed, Pip bit her lip and looked towards the front of the line "Your brother." Iz smiled wide "Ohh, my brother...." Pip rolled her eyes "No, nothing like that...just....why does he hate us? You guys are supposed to protect mundanes right? So why is he so hostile?"

"He's not that bad. He just likes to go by the rulebook, which in our world can be strict. Especially with everything going on, we're on high alert." Isabelle explained, Pip nodded "Understandable, I get stressed over chemistry homework, having to protect a whole city....that's unfathomable." Izzy chuckled "Life a shadowhunter." Pip put her hands in her back pockets "And possibly mine..." Iz nudged her "Hey, if you do survive and you are one of us...I'll share all my Shadowhunter secrets." they both laughed "Like how your hair is always perfect even while taking down demons?" Isabelle flipepd ehr hair over her shoulder "That is one secret I'll never tell." she winked.

Pip's smiled fell "And what if I'm not...." she whispered "D-do I just go back to normal life? How could I even do that? Knowing everything I do now." Isabelle's face softened knowing that if she were to fail it would not be good. "Let's just get through this first."


"You have to understand, the Silent Brothers aren't like us." Jace spoke, Penny snorted "They lack your charm and superior people skills?" Clary smiled at her and Jace glared but held a smile "Yeah, most people do." Pip scoffed and rolled her eyes at him.

"Brothers communicate without using words, using just their thoughts." Jace continued "That doesn't sound so bad." Clary shrugged "Don't let their silence fool you. They'll hold the Soul-Sword to your head, and with its blade, carve the truth from your mind. If you're not strong enough, you will die." he said completely serious, Pip gulped "I take it back. That sounds level ten bad."

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