Chapter 6- Vampire Party

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     I sat on a table swinging my legs as Alec runed some arrows "So, what have you been up to the last eight years?" I asked looking up at Alec, I wanted to know everything I missed. I wanted to be as close as we were before I left. He looked me over before turning back to his arrows. "My job." he said, I tilted my head "And?" he shrugged "Tell me about chasing demons, putting up with Jace and Izzy, your parents....." I listed but he still didn't look at me "Something exciting must have happened. New friends, new adventures....girls...." I said smirking, this drew his attention and he looked at me with a stern look.

    "You lived with us, you know what comes out of living here. There's nothing to say." I sighed and looked to the ceiling "Come on Alec, I wanted a Alec, not diplomat Alec." it was silent for a few minutes before I heard his voice again "Our first mission together." my eyes snapped to him "We refused at first, we didn't want to do one without you. We still hoped...." he stopped and looked off into the distance before glancing at me and turning back to his arrows "We went though, it's our duty." there he goes again, with that word....duty.

 "It went as well as you could imagine. Jace flirted with a vampire's girlfriend before we even found out who the demon was, only to discover the demon was the one flirting with Izzy....who was kidnapped." I smirked a bit "I didn't know what to do, I froze. They had to call in backup." I let out a small laugh, thinking about my friends, all small and still children going out and making a mess of things "I bet it would have been just the same with me there, or worse." Alec looked at me and smiled, just a hint of a smile, before going back to his arrows.

 "Alec, didn't know you were here." Hodge said drawing our attention to him, Alec stuttered a bit and I smiled "Hodge, good to see you...." he nodded at me not really understanding that I wasn't the same Penelope he met a few hours ago. "Uh, Hodge, this is Penelope Nightshade." Alec said motioning to me as he stood. Hodge looked to me again "Nightshade.....I knew you looked like her." he smiled at me and I smiled back. "Memory wipe, I got them back though....and thanks, for telling me all that." Hodge nodded knowing I meant what he said about my mother earlier.

   He looked us over suddenly and crossed his arms "What are you two up to? I don't wanna have to report you." I looked to Alec knowing he wasn't good under pressure "It's just that, you know, Clary is....that girl is Valentine's-" Alec stuttered out "The monster's daughter." Hodge finished with a nod. I looked up to him waiting for him to start yelling but he just pursed his lips "There must be some reason why the roaches are coming out of the woodwork again, right? I'll leave you to it." he turned from us and a smile fell across my lips as I sighed in relief "Hodge?" I called, he stopped and turned to me "Thank you." he nodded and then looked to Alec "You remind me of me, Alec. A loyal friend standing in the shadow of the chosen one. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Look where it got me." Hodge said. I looked to Alec and noticed his mood shift, he stared at the ground and I looked up at Hodge "Take care." I nodded slowly as he walked off.

    I turned back to Alec. "Alec...." I said softly. He cleared his throat and turned back to his things to pack them away "We should get going, Izzy is probably waiting for us." I swallowed and nodded as I slid from the table. "Yeah, let me just grab something." I turned to the weapons rack and pulled it out before trailing my hand over some of the swords. My eyes landed on the one I was looking for and I smiled before letting my fingers brush against the handle "They haven't been touched since you left." I turned my head slightly towards Alec but my eyes never left the swords "We all used to love messing around with the weapons, of course you grew more towards the bow. Izzy her whip, Jace and I our swords. Remember when mom and dad bought us our first dummy weapons? How badly we wanted to go on our first mission." I chuckled remembering all of us, small and ready to take on the world. I grabbed the two swords and looked them both over "I'll be a little rusty, but I should get the hang of it. Like riding a bike, right?" I looked over to Alec and he smirked a bit before nodding towards the door "Come on."

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