Chapter 37- Demons

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"You think you're so irresistible she's gonna dump him as soon as she finds out you're not related." Alec said, he was flipped into a new position, restrained by Jace "I think you should worry a little less about my love life and a little more about your fighting skills." Jace rebutted, Alec grunted as he tried to get out of the hold.

 "If you could not break my boyfriend that would be great." Penny said crossing her arms and leaning against the doorway, she had come across the two boys sparing in the courtyard. Jace smiled and let go of Alec "Maybe your boyfriend should spend less time with you and more time training." Penny smiled "Believe it or not Jace but we don't spend all day in the bedroom, we actually train a lot." Jace shrugged "Hey, I don't blame him....I would much rather spend all day in a bedroom with you." he winked. Penny rolled her eyes and Alec shoved Jace "In your dreams, doofus." Alec put an arm around Penny as they both walked back inside the institute.

Penny stood with her arms crossed staring through a one-way mirror, on the other side was Valentine and the inquisitor. Valentine's screams echoed through the room "I could keep going, or you could tell me where you hid the Mortal Cup." the Inquisitor said "Now where's the fun in that, huh?" Valentine asked through gritted teeth. "You know, this quest of yours to collect the three Mortal Instruments to raise the angel Raziel it was a fool's errand." the Inquisitor said walking around him "A fool doesn't demand this kind of attention, now would he?" Valentine asked. 

  Penny brushed her fingers over her lip in thought, so many things were wrong with this. Why didn't they send him to the city of bones if they had gotten back the soul sword, why were they torturing him...besides the mass genocide....but they didn't seem interested in that. They only ask about the cup.

    "No one's ever seen the Mortal Mirror." the inquisitor said, redirecting the question "We have no idea if it even exists." Valentine looked to her "The Clave has no idea about a multitude of things." he spat "Well, this much is certain. At this point, your only way to avoid execution is hand over the Cup." Valentine laughed "Actually, it's quite the opposite. See, knowing where the Mortal Cup is that's the only thing that's keeping me alive." Valentine said with a smile. The inquisitor got close to him "Valentine, you and I both know, the cup can control demons. In the wrong hands, it could be catastrophic." Valentine didn't back down "In your hands, I'm a dead man." he hissed.

Jace and Clary stepped beside Penny "Nineteen Shadowhunters died in your assault on this institute, along with hundreds of Downworlders that you massacred with the Soul Sword. Justice will be served." the inquisitor activated the rune and Valentine started screaming again. Penny turned to Clary and Jace "She's been at this since she got here." Penny said looking back to Valentine as he screamed in pain.

 "How long can you keep torturing him?" Clary asked, slightly disturbed by seeing a human tortured like that. "As long as it takes." the inquisitor said "If you want the truth, why not just use the soul sword?" Penny asked "You're telling me how to do my job?" the Inquisitor turned to her with a raised brow "No, but you said you retrieved the sword right after the attack. I just don't understand why you wouldn't use it to get the truth out of him. Stop wasting time with torturing him because he obviously isn't going to break. Besides, the more time he's left in that cell the longer someone has a chance to rescue him." Penny said slightly aggravated.

The Inquisitor narrowed her eyes "You'll do best to watch your tone, Ms. Nightshade. And the rune your sister drew to deactivate the sword ended up damaging it in the process. It's been sent to the Iron Sisters to be purified." she said looking to Jace and Clary. "You're Valentine's children. Tell me what you know." she demanded. Clary shook her head "Nothing. Haven't we proven ourselves? Valentine attacked the Institute. We captured him." the Inquisitor looked to Clary "At what cost? By taking matters into your own hands, you've planted the seeds of rebellion in the Downworld. The Accords will be near impossible to maintain now." she walked towards the elevator "Fall in line, or you'll end up like Aldertree in Idris facing reprimand." she said looking over all three of them.

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