Chapter 35- Passive Agressive Dinner

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      After searching for a while and running into endless staring and whispers we finally found my mother's room. "Mom." I breathed as I came to her bedroom door. She stood at a large wooden desk holding papers with a stressed look on her face, when she heard my voice she looked up. "Penelope?" she smiled but there was still something else, like she didn't want me here. "Hi, I-I had to see you...I-" she pulled me into a hug "I must have some questions." she said softly. I nodded into her shoulder. "I'll give you guys some time, go see mom." Alec said from the door way. I pulled away from my mother and turned to him "Alec, you-" he cut me off "I'll see you later." he kissed my head before walking away. 

     I turned back to my mother "Why don't we sit down." she motioned to the chair by the desk and I took a seat, she sat across from me. "" I started she let out a breath and looked to her lap "I was going to tell you this when you were old enough but...then I was captured. You have to know your father was a good man, a strong man who fought for what he believed in. I fell in love with that passion..." my mother said smiling a bit "But he chose to throw it all into following Valentine, and we know how good a man he is. We didn't know, all those years ago that it would end like this...but if we did we would have never turned our backs on the Clave." she shook her head a sad look in her eye, I reached forward to take her hand. 

 "I was 19 years old when I found out I was pregnant with you, just two years after the Circle started. That's about when we started to realize Valentine wasn't as great a man as we thought. Your father was elated when I told him, he never left my side, he was more than happy to leave the Circle to keep you safe." I listened to her every word "He never told me of Valentine's experiments, not until after the first symptoms started to appear. He would shake, sweat, he would get so angry." she looked up to me "He hurt me...I tried to keep it from you because I knew he couldn't control it. We found medicines and herbs that helped, he would be normal for a while and we would be happy. Then he would just...." she trailed off "Snap." I said. 

    She nodded "Like the day he broke my nose..." she sighed and rubbed soothing circles into my hand. "You need to understand he was a good man, he was sick....he was a good man." she stressed, tears filling her eyes. I frowned and put a hand on the side of her face "I know mom, I know..." she sniffled and took both my hands in hers, suddenly getting serious. "Penny, listen to me. Whatever Valentine did you your stayed with him, it changed him. An-and I fear it may be in you. I-if the Clave were to ever find out that you are affected even in the slightest...there's no telling what they may do to you."

    I sat back in the chair, the gravity of it all sinking in. "But I'm safe, I haven't had any crazy superpowers. Clary can make up new runes but I-I haven't done anything like that." I said shaking my head, she looked me in the eye "No outbursts of anger? Getting stronger unbelievably fast?"  she asked. I thought back to my training, how good I got in such a short period of time, me going after Hodge, yelling at Lydia.... "No...nothing like that." I lied, she nodded and smiled before pulling me into a hug. "Stay safe, and come to me whenever you need."

      We pulled back and she sniffled and wiped her face of the few tears that had fallen "So, how is the trial going? Have they said anything?" I asked "They are mad that I 'broke out' but they seem to be struggling for a decision. It helps that some of the council were my students and fellow classmates. The younger generations seem to be on my side but I was still in the Circle so I won't be getting total freedom. The last hearing is tomorrow. At best, I will get what Hodge got, imprisoned at the institute unable to leave." I raised a brow "And, worst case?" she smiled "You don't have to worry about that. Maryse is doing everything she can to make sure I don't end up back in the city of bones." I looked at her worried but shrugged it off. "Let's go find Maryse and Alec. They're the only ones you can trust around here." she laughed and I chuckled a bit "Speaking of Alec....I noticed that ring you're wearing..." I rolled my eyes "No, we're was a present...for protection." I said as she lead me out to the hall. She chuckled "For now..." I stared at her in shock.

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