Chapter 18- Lightshade

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(Thanks to @Nah-yla for mentioning this song in the comments, I fell in love)

(this whole chapter will be in 3rd person because I want to get every reaction)

Penny stared down at the stuff Magnus bought for her, it was all laid out on her bed. She was supposed to be getting ready but she couldn't bring herself to do so. All she kept thinking about is what will happen when she gets there. Will Alec marry Lydia and she have to watch? Will he decide against it and cancel the whole thing? Will he confess his feelings for her? But she doubted it, he wouldn't go against his parents. Alec was a man of duty. Penny bit her lip as she paced the edge of her bed, glancing own at the dress every once in a while like it was a cobra about to strike. "Biscuit, darling, the dress is not going to kill you." Penny looked up at Magnus and sighed "I can't do this." Magnus sighed and walked to the bed "And I thought it was the bride that was supposed to be having second thoughts...not the guest." Penny gave him a look "You're going, you made up your mind last night, besides you can't waist a perfectly great outfit." Magnus said lifting the dress "Yes I can, and I changed my mind. I'm not ruining this for him." Magnus rolled his eyes "You're not ruining anything, Biscuit, you're saving him." Penny rolled her eyes "Now get dressed." Magnus walked out and Penny stared down at the dress before sighing.

Penny looped her arm through Magnus's and took a deep breath "Relax, Biscuit, we're just gonna go in and sit down

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Penny looped her arm through Magnus's and took a deep breath "Relax, Biscuit, we're just gonna go in and sit down. You have an invitation...we'll be fine." I glanced up at Magnus "You know, pretty soon I won't be your guard dog any more." Penny said as she straightened out her dress and brushed a hand over it. "Yeah, but you'll always be Biscuit. Now stop fidgeting, you look amazing. I'll be surprised if you don't floor him the second your eyes meet." Penny rolled her eyes "This isn't some fairy tale, Magnus." he looked to her and she nodded her head motioning she was ready to head in.

Everyone was just taking their seats so her and Magnus quickly snagged some chairs a row behind Clary. Penny looked at the back of Clary's head for a moment before reaching forward to tap her on the shoulder. Clary spun around and her eyes widened "Pip!" she brought Penny into a hug over the row of chairs and Penny chuckled "Shh, I don't want to make a scene. How are you? How's mom?" Penny asked pulling away. She still held Clary's arms and Clary had her hands on Pip's shoulders "You know?" Clary asked confused as they slowly sat down again. Penny nodded "Magnus has been keeping me updated. Sorry I left by the was-" Clary smiled softly "I get it, I'm surprised you're here actually." Penny shrugged and looked down to her hands in her lap "Magnus convinced me, though I'm not entirely sure why I agreed." Penny furrowed her eyebrows and Clary put a hand on her shoulder "Hey, I'm glad you did come." they smiled at each other "Sorry I'm late." they both turned to see Simon and Clary stood "Hey. Did I miss anything? I left right at sunset." Penny smiled "No, you're right on time." Clary said, Simon smiled, his fangs showing "Cool." Penny put a hand on Simon's arm "Simon, you look incredible." Simon turned to her and his eyes widened "Pip." he hugged her tightly "My god, how are you?" she chuckled as she pulled away "I should be asking you that. New diet and all..." they all laughed "Holding up, and uh, thanks. I borrowed one of Raphael's suits. Embracing the new me." he adjusted the jacket and looked up to Clary "So, how's your mom?" Clary smiled "She's good. Uh, Luke's with her right now, watching over her." suddenly there was a loud thud and everyone turned to the front. 

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