Chapter 34 - Mother's At Work

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     I took a deep breath as I stood in front of my mirror. Was this the right outfit? Was my hair okay? What if I make a fool of myself... "Hey." I turned to see Izzy walk into my room and sit on my bed. "Oh, hey." I looked back to my reflection and sighed before tugging off my shirt "You've been to Idris, what do you wear? How do they talk, or live? I-I mean...what if I make a fool of myself?" Izzy grabbed my shoulders to stop my frantic movements and smiled at me "Hey, listen, you'll be fine. You're strong, anything they say won't rattle you. Besides, you put up with my mother, you can handle the clave." I let out a breath and nodded "You're right, it's just...I don't want to do anything that will make them mad. Anything that could possibly end with my mother back in that wretched prison." Izzy smiles softly "You look great, now stop worrying." she turned me to look back at the mirror and smiled over my shoulder "I'll pack you a bag." Izzy went to my closet and I furrowed my brows as Iz pulled out a few dresses "Izzy, I'm going to idris for a few days...not a ball." Izzy raised her eyebrows "A shadowhunter is always prepared." I rolled her eyes. Suddenly hands wrapped around my waist and I turned my head to see Alec "What is she doing?" he asked kissing my shoulder "Packing." I responded with a smile. Alec furrowed his brows "Is she coming with us?" I chuckled and turned in his arms, shaking my head. "No, she's packing my bag. This trip is just you and me." I wrapped my arms around his neck as his rested on my hips "Mmmm, good." he leaned in, his lips brushing mine "Don't you dare say you over due for some alone time because we all know the 'field training' you two do is really you two running off with Magnus." Izy cuts in. Me adn Alec smile as we both continue to stare at each other, lips just barely touching. "I think they're on to us, love." I whispered. his smile grew and his grip tightened on my waist "I guess we'll have to get better at sneaking around then." I chuckled "Sneaking around? I'm almost certain our relationship has always been out in the open, juding by the hundred or so people that witnessed our first kiss." I smiled. He shook his head, nose brushing mine and finally pulled me into a kiss, his hands gripping my waist as he pulled me flush. "Maybe it is best that you two keep sneaking around....I'd rather not see this.....ever." Izzy grimaced. I pulled back adn giggled before looking over to her, my packed bags sitting neatly on my bed "Thank you Izzy." She smiled "Of course, now go have fun. Stay safe." she smirked walking past us. I looked to Alec "I guess this is it..." he grabbed my bags and  followed him tot he front door.
      Our friends all stood around, waiting to say goodbye. "We'll only be gone a day or two, what's with the big send off?" I asked looking them all over. "Hey, we haven't been apart for that long, we'll miss you. Besides, I know why you're really going on this trip and I want to wish you luck." Clary said as she hugged me tightly. "Thank you." I look to Jace who is talking to Alec "I'll hold everything down while you're away. I promise, nothing but following the rules, I'll be a total hard ass." I chuckled as ALec rolled his eyes "I find that hard to believe, good thing Lydia and Aldertree are still in charge." Clary smiled as Simon came up on her other side "So, Idris, finally returning to the mothership." he joked "Good luck with that, if it's anything like the few Shadowhunters I've met then it's definatly not going to be fun." Izzy galred at Simon before looking to Penny. "Idris is going to be amazing, sure you will have to deal with the clave, our mother, and some strict rules but....just think of the whole trip like some honey moona dn it will make it all worth while." she smiled. I rolled my eyes "Iz, I'm going to talk to my mother and find out the truth, make sure she stays out of prison. This is not some romantic get away." She shrugged "All I'm saying is in Idirs you don't have to deal with attacks, or demons, or downworlders..." Simon scofffed "Hey!" Clary chuckled at him. "Goodbye Izzy!" I said shaking my head and turning to Alec. "Ready?" he asked. I sighed and grabbed my bag "'s time I get my life in order." he smiled and kissed my head.

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