Chapter 36- The Hearing

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      I woke up up and immediately felt eyes on me. I turned my head to see Alec laying on his side, head resting on his hand, a large smile broke across his face when his eyes met mine "Morning." I couldn't help but smile back "Mmm, morning." I groaned stretching my arms above my head. "The hearing's today..." Alec said softly, his hand going to my stomach and gently tracing circles "Yeah..." I looked up at the ceiling, mind reeling, what if it didn't go well and they put her back in prison. "Let's hope last night was enough to get some of the council members on our side..." Alec looked down at his fingers dancing across my skin, a sad look in his eyes. I furrowed my brows and sat up "What is it?" I asked, he looked to my eyes and gave a forced smile "Nothing. We should get ready." he leaned over kissing me quickly before jumping out of bed to get dressed. I rolled my eyes but got up as well "I don't even know what to wear...where is Izzy when you need her?" I sighed looking through my bag. I ran a hand through my hair and Alec came over putting a hand on my arm "Hey, how bout some training before the trial? We both know that always relaxes us." I chuckled a bit "You're kind of amazing, you know that?" Alec smiled.

     Me and Alec found an amazing training room, some people were already there but they paid no attention to us as we found our own small corner of the room. We laughed as we goofed around a bit, playing a game of cat and mouse, trying to see who could pin who first. I was able to flip Alec and pin him down once again and I smiled wide as I leaned closer to his face "Got you again." he rolled his eyes and pushed me off before standing. "Alright, twelve out of twenty three." he said facing me as I stood. I raised a brow "I already beat you six out of ten." I laughed "Then it should be easy for you." he picked up his water bottle and took a few gulps. I narrowed my eyes playfully as I did the same. "Just don't get upset when you loose." Alec's face suddenly dropped and turned into a scowl "What is it?" I asked realizing he was staring over my shoulder. I turned to see three guys all muscular and in black work out gear, staring straight at us and talking to each other. "Those are the same guys from last night, the ones that kept talking about you." Alec grumbled. I raised a brow at the way they were looking at me, laughing. "They want to talk about me? Well, let's give them something to talk about." I said turning back to Alec, leaning up so my face was just inches from his. I pulled back and walked from our little corner to the center of the room, I turned to face Alec and got in a fighting stance, I smiled as I motioned him forward. Alec looked hesitant but walked over to me. "We have nothing to prove." he said, I shrugged "Yeah, but isn't there some part of you that just wants to stick it to them?" Alec slowly smiled and rolled his eyes "Just go easy on me?" I chuckled "Not a chance." and that's when I lunged.
     After a while of fighting Alec had my arm pinned across my chest, his arm wrapped around my neck as my back pressed into his front. "Either you're letting me win, or you're slipping." Alec said, lips brushing against my ear. My breath came out in pants, my eyes narrowed as I felt anger bubble inside of me. Alec wasn't hurting me or anything but for some reason his grip around my neck flipped a switch and on instinct I got myself​ out of his grasp, holding the arm that was around my neck and twisted until his head was between my legs, tossing him to the ground.

 Alec wasn't hurting me or anything but for some reason his grip around my neck flipped a switch and on instinct I got myself​ out of his grasp, holding the arm that was around my neck and twisted until his head was between my legs, tossing him to...

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