Chapter 12- Major Arcana

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  "I know where the Cup is." I jumped and opened looked around to see I was still on the couch, the blanket covering me. I saw Magnus sitting in a chair with a magazine and Jace staring at a frantic Clary, but no Alec. "Come again?" Jace asked, Magnus sat up in surprise and I just stared at her "The tarot cards. My mom, she must have painted them years ago, but the Mortal Cup has to be hidden inside the Ace of Cups. The card looks exactly like it." Clary rambled, I thought back to the cards I had seen a few times and my eyes widened "Of course! How could I be so dim! It looks exactly like the cup." I said pushing the blanket off, Clary gave the boys a confused look "Wait, why aren't you guys happy about this? All we have to do is find..." and then realization came over us both "Dot." I finished "If Dot had the cards when she was taken, we don't have much time. If Valentine gets his hands on the Cup..." Jace started. Magnus rolled his eyes and circled Clary "We know. If Valentine started creating Shadowhunters or gained control of demons, it'd be like Beyonce riding on a dinosaur through Times Square. People would notice." I chuckled a bit at him even though now, obviously, was not the time for jokes. "But he can control demons, I've seen it." Clary said. "Mmm, paying off a few demons is easy, especially since they rarely survive long enough to collect." Magnus said shrugging. Jace grinned "Still waiting on Valentine's thank-you card." him and Clary shared a look "Opening the gates of hell...that's a little more tricky." Manus said bringing the conversation back.

"Valentine doesn't have the cards. I do." we all turned to see Luke up and walking about. He had large bandages covering his torso however. "They're in my desk back at the precinct. When Clary went missing, I went to the loft and I cleared everything out, 'cause I didn't want the Circle to track her." a smile broke across Clary's face. "That's great. This should be easy." Magnus sat down "Hmm, that's what General Custer said." I smirked at the warlock and looked to Luke "Magnus is right. Valentine has spies everywhere, even in the NYPD. We have to be discreet." Luke said "Discreet? You look like something out of The Mummy movie." I said giving him a sarcastic sympathetic look. Magnus let out a giggle but pursed his lips and looked away. I smirked at him and Luke gave me a look "We'll go in the morning. Werewolf healing, remember? This is nothing a couple of hours of beauty sleep can't fix." I rolled my eyes at Luke as he walked back into the bedroom. Jace and Clary walked off as well.

I sighed and sat back on the couch and pulled the blanket back around me. I looked around some, trying to figure out what time it was "If you're wondering your little boyfriend went home." my eyes snapped to Magnus. He was sitting in the chair again, his legs crossed, head in his hand as he watched me. "Like I said earlier, he's getting married." Magnus shrugged "Never stopped me from getting what I wanted." I shook my head at the flirtatious warlock "I'm not going to be a side chick, or a home wrecker." Magnus shrugged "Your happy, the other girl is oblivious, and he's obviously happy because he's getting two for one." I couldn't help but laugh at this. "Please, Alec is not like that. Besides, he doesn't like me, he has his eyes on someone else....and he's bonded to him forever." Magnus's looked surprised by this "Ah, so he's into blonde over their." I glanced over to Clary and Jace talking and shrugged "I think so, but as you can see blonde is into the small red head." I leaned my head back on the couch "Not to mention out friend Simon who has been in love with Clary since I can remember, but he also seems to like Izzy. Though Izzy is a wild card and has a thing with a seelie....our other friend Maureen has been all goo-goo eyes for Simon as well...." I trailed off and sighed loudly as closed my eyes "It's a rather confusing love....nonagon...."

I heard a chuckle from Magnus and looked over to him. "What?" he shrugged "Nothing, I just remember being your age and thinking that I was in love with everyone. The older you get you realize it isn't actually just think it is." I thought about what he said but let a smirk slip across my lips "When you were my age? How old are you, grandpa, two-hundred?" Magnus gave me a look "Try four-hundred." I stared at him wide eyed "How have you not aged?" I asked "Not even a wrinkle." he smiled and waved a hand "I don't like sharing my secrets." I squinted a bit as I looked at him "Wait is that a gray?" he looked to me and frantically grabbed a glass to check his reflection, when he realized I was messing with him he glared over at me. I just sat there with a huge smirk "Not funny." I shrugged "What? I happen to like gray hair." I said running a hand through mine. He rolled his eyes at me and stood "I need a drink." I let out a laugh and laid back on the couch.

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