Ch 39- True Friends

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  "I know you can hear me!" Magnus yelled, though right now he wasn't exactly himself. He was stuck here in this prison, in Valentine's body while the monster himself paraded around out there with Warlock magic. "Please! I'm not Valentine! I'm Magnus Bane!" He screamed hoping, praying, that someone would believe him.

   The door flung open and Alec came barreling in, he was sick of hearing this monster claim to be Magnus. "That's enough." Alec yelled shoving Magnus against the wall "Alexander, thank God you're here. You have to listen to me-" Magnus pleaded "No, you listen to me! This sick game of yours is over!" Alec yelled "It's not a game. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm not Valentine. I am Magnus. Azazel switched us with a curse. Unum ad Unum." he tried to explain "You're insane." Alec hissed.

    "Penny gave me that Omamori charm that I carry with me every day. It was after our night in Tokyo. The same night when you pulled me aside and asked if you could borrow some money so you could buy a ring-" Magnus was cut off "Stop!" Alec yelled, he thought it was just Valentine playing mind games. "You bought her a ring and you told her it was for protection when really-" he was cut off again "I said stop!" Alec yelled "When really it was a promise ring. There, in Tokyo, in the little warlock shop, you told me you were going to marry her-" Alec slammed his fist against the wall near his head "Stop!!" he screamed.

    "How do you know these things?" he growled "Because it's me, Alexander. You and Penny have proven to be the best friends I've ever had in my long, long life. So, please, hear me now when I say I'm not Valentine." Alec didn't know what to think "Please, you have to believe me." he tried to reach out to him but Alec pushed him away "Just, stop." Alec left slamming the door behind him.

    Alec got back to the main floor and the whole way he was in deep thought. The first person he saw was Jace and he pulled him aside. "Jace, we need to talk." Jace smiled "Yeah! Heard you banished Azazel. Congratulations!" Alec glanced around them "Yeah. Um, this is gonna sound crazy. I was just with Valentine, and he says that he's Magnus, that Azazel switched them with some kind of a demonic curse." Jace smiled a bit "What?" he never thought Alec would believe Valentine's tricks. 

   "I know. It's hard to believe, but it's just that he knew things that only Magnus could know. Like, intimate details." Alec whispered "OK. Well, he could have had a warlock steal your memories." Jace told him "No, that's not possible. I would have noticed." a group of hunters walked by and the boys moved to the side. "OK, well, just remember that this is Valentine. He's always 10 steps ahead of us. He's always planning his next move. Alec, just trust me. You don't wanna fall for his lies." Jace warned him.

       Downstairs Magnus was startled when the lights came on "Alexander? Alexander! Is that you? Please! Please, they're torturing me!" he called out, he couldn't see outside the cell because it was oneway glass "I can't take any more of this." he begged "I know the feeling." the oneway glass revealed Valentine in Magnus's body. "Let's get you out of here." Magnus started banging on the wall "Guards! He's here! Valentine is here!" Magnus yelled "It's no use. I've cloaked myself so no one can see me." Valentine smiled.

    "You fool. You have no idea what you're doing. After your capture, the Clave hired me to create wards to block Downworlder powers from being used in this cell block. Not only can't you break me out, but your cloaking spell won't work here." Magnus told him. "We'll see about that." Valentine thrust out his hand expecting a portal to form but nothing happened "Wat the hell?" he asked confused. He thought he was the high warlock, he could do anything.  

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