Chapter 24- Death

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**Third Person**

       Penelope laid with Alec through the night, every time he moved, or made a sound, or his breathing became slightly different she was awake and watching over him. To say the least she didn't get much sleep. Currently she was showering in her own room. Alec went to meet up with Magnus. "How'd it go with Aldertree?" he asked as Magnus walked out from his meeting with the new head of the Institute. "Well, the man didn't disappoint. In his own charming, inimitable way, he informed me that I will indeed be punished, but the form of punishment is yet to be decided." Alec shook his head "All for trying to save my life. Jace may have been the one who pulled me out, but I did feel you there, and it did make a difference. So...thank you." Magnus chuckled "Me? You mumbled about Penny quite often. But thank you for not dying on me, I don't think I could have had that on my hands...especially with your sister and Biscuit in the room." Alec smiled softly at Magnus's name for his girlfriend "How is Jace?" Magnus asked "He won't be gone long. Once his hand touches the Soul-Sword, the truth will come out...and prove that he's never been on Valentine's side." 

       Just then Alec looked up to see Penelope walking towards them, a tired smile on her face. She walked right up to Alec and tucked herself under his arm, her head laying on his chest as she closed her eyes and let out a content sigh. "Penelope, you look...." Magnus stopped trying to find the right words "Tired?" Penny asked. "I couldn't sleep, every time I closed my eyes I saw him die...again, and again." Alec wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kissed her head, he was truly grateful that she stayed with him through the night, his nightmares were subdued because of it. "Hey, I know of this great spa and resort in the Himalayan mountains. Snowed in, couples massages, hot rocks, sauna. Fur rug in front of a roaring fire with some very old expensive wine...." Magnus said. Penny smiled "Mmm, sounds like heaven." she hummed resting her chin on Alec's chest and looking up at him with hooded eyes. Alec looked down to Penny with a small smile on his face picturing all that Magnus described. A weekend away with just her... "Hey, Alec, Penny." the two turned toward the new voice "Demon briefing in the ops center. All hands on deck." Raj interrupted. "My dear look well." Magnus smiled, Raj glared before walking off and Penny let out a chuckle. "Rain check?" Penny asked looking to Magnus. Magnus smiled "Of course, you go battle your demons." Penny grabbed Alec's hand and lead him towards the ops room.

" Penny grabbed Alec's hand and lead him towards the ops room

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             We learned of a demon attack downtown, Alec, Izzy, and I decided to take the job since everyone one else had other things to do. "Demon attack downtown." Izzy spoke as we approached Clary and Jocelyn "One mundane dead." she said  "And we don't have Jace, so..." Alec trialed off not particularly happy with the situation "You're with us." I smiled. Clary looked at us shocked "Wait. You want me on your team?" she asked excited. Alec shrugged "It's not my first choice, but we're a man down, and everyone else is on patrol." I elbowed him in the ribs and gave him a look before smiling at Clary "Gear up." she smiled back and we headed out.

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