chapter 7

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Midnight's POV:

I woke up and yawned. When I stretched out I noticed I was on a pillow. 'where did this come from?' I thought to myself. Then I remembered what ha happened las night. A nice young girl with cat ears and a tail found me and brought me to her house. I sighed happily and looked around for the girl.

I saw her on the bed but there was something different about her. She had blond hair and no ears or tail. 'is this a different girl?' I thought for a minute while staring at her. 'no this is the same girl I am sure of it!'

I stretched one more time and hopped off the pillow. I walked up to the bed and hopped on wanting to get a closer look at the girl. When I got closer to her face I saw that she was young. Probably not older than 16.

When I was about to look away she woke up and sat up. She looked at me with a sleepy expression and said, "Good morning Midnight!"

"Meow" (Morning)

She looked over at the clock in her room and the gasped. "Sebastian is going to be so mad that I slept in! What will I do?"

I looked at her and tilted my head in confusion. 'who is Sebastian?' She then looked at me like she just remembered something, "I am going to have to start work soon so you can feel free to explore a little!" She smiled when I jumped off the bed and made my way to the door.

She got off the bed and came to open the door for me. I meowed in thanks when she did and I ran out of the room. I didn't know anything about the house that I was in, so I decided to just explore. I came across a room that looked like a kitchen and heard a loud 'BOOM'. Startled I jumped and all of the hair on my back stood on end.

Just then a tall man with raven colored hair and crimson eyes walked up and started yelling at the man who had just emerged from the smoke in the kitchen. I wasn't paying attention but I just kept staring at them like if I looked away something interesting would happen and I would miss it.

When the raven haired man started to leave I decided to follow him. I don't know why but I was slightly curious about who he was and I had a feeling that if I followed him I would find out.

It didn't take long for him to run in to another person. This one was a girl. She had purpley-red hair in small pigtails. She had her back to us and was dusting something that I couldn't yet see when she finally noticed the man I was following. "M-Mr. Sebastian!" 'So this is the guy that the young girl who found me was talking about!' When the purpley-red haired girl went to turn around she knocked down the vase that she had been dusting. She quickly said sorry and the 'Sebastian' guy started to tell her off.

I got bored of their conversation quickly and made a dash outside. When I got there I saw a young boy with blond hair. His hair was pinned back with barrettes. He was the first person other than the-one-who-found-me to notice that I was actually here. He smiled at me and said, "Hi there kitty! What brings you here? Are you lost?" I simply shook my head and started to purr. I meowed asking for something to eat and he quickly said, "Would you like some milk little kitty?" I nodded and purred louder.

He laughed and said, "Okay! Follow me. Oh by the way my name is Finnian but everyone calls me finni! What's your name?"

I'm guessing he didn't really think about the fact hat I couldn't answer. Just as I was about to shake my head showing that I couldn't, the girl who had found me said, "Midnight! There you are! When I said to explore I meant just inside! What if you got lost?" She looked up at finni and said, "Morning finni!"

He smiled wider (if even possible) and said, "Good morning Alice! So this is your kitty?"

"Yeah I guess." She laughed a little, "At least since I found her last night!"

"Meow meow!" (And I'm glad you did!) ^_^

"I think she is happy that you found her! At least I am happy you did! She is so cute!" He said while smiling.

"Well I gotta get going before Sebastian notices I am not working!" With that she started to walk away. "C'mon Midnight!"

"Meow!" (Coming) I waved my paw at Finnian started to follow Alice.

Before I knew it we were back at the room and she was telling me to stay here while she left to do her job.

When she left I hopped onto my pillow and fell asleep. 'I wonder when she'll be back?' I thought to myself.

##half an hour later##

I woke up when I felt someone pick me up. I looked up and saw Sebastian. He looked at me when I yawned and when I stopped I just looked back. I think it turned into some sort of staring contest.

Just then Alice came in and said, "Sebastian put her down. We need to leave. And by we I mean me and Midnight."

"Where are you leaving to?"

"Meow!" (Yeah)

"We are going to move in with the Undertaker! We are moving there for reasons that don't concern you so don't even ask!"

"Why are you moving there?" He asked with a smirk.

"What did I just say about asking? Ugh. Anyway we are moving there because I want to see him and I have always wanted to sleep in a coffin. At least before I die." She muttered the last part to herself.

I smiled my cat-like smile because I loved the undertaker almost as much as I loved milk! I jumped put of Sebastian's arms and ran over to the bed. When I sat down he sighed and left saying, "Okay. I will tell the young master that you have resigned."

##time skip##

After riding horseback with Alice, who didn't have many things to pack making it easier, we finally go to the undertaker's. Se knocked on the door. While opening it she said, "Undertaker are you here?"

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