chapter 12

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Alice POV:


I heard Mella Serena and Courtney calling my name.

I looked down and saw them standing there looking up at me. There was a fourth person that I couldn't make out. It was a man.. That much I could make out. He was wearing all black and looked tall. 'oh crap.... I'm in trouble.' I thought to myself.

##end of recap##

"Is it even safe to come down with him here? Am I in trouble or something?" I yelled down to them.

"you're not in trouble. It's just time to go back to the manor!" Serena yelled back.

"you guys can go without me! I wanna stay and watch the moon for a while!!" I yelled at them.

They stood there looking at me and even though I couldn't see their faces, I could tell they were giving me the 'are you being serious right now?' look.

"fine! I'll come down in a minute!" after I said this I looked back up at the moon for one last time.

I felt someone behind me ad turned around. Sebastian was there and I freaked out. "GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I screamed and much like how I fell out of bed this morning, I fell out of the tree. I FELL OUT OF A STINKIN 40 FOOT TREE!!

I didn't scream as I fell. I just glared at Sebastian... For scaring me..... Again. Man do I scare easily..

Just as I was about to hit the ground I closed my eyes and braced for impact.

Suddenly I felt the air wrap around me. I opened my eyes and looked down. I was floating above the ground. I WAS STINKIN FLOATING!!

Everyone around me looked astonished. Even Sebastian. The only one who didn't was Mella. She had her hand out as though she was grabbing for me.

She noticed me staring and pulled her hand back to her. As she did that I fell to the ground. "ouch!" I sad as I hit the ground.

"sorry! I didn't mean to drop you!" Mella said looking at me apologetically.

"thats fine." I said standing up and brushing myself off.

"whoa cool! You never told me you had powers!" Serena said jumping up and down with excitement.

Mella rubbed the back of her head nervously. "yeah well you never asked.. And I was afraid you guys wouldn't like me."

"we wouldn't not like you! I mean do you even know me?" I said and she shook her head.

"we just me today silly!" she said laughing.

"well I really love paranormal things." I said joining into her contagious laughter.

"well we should probably go back to the manor!" I said and started walking in the right direction.

They all started following me.

When we got back I went to my room with Mella and Serena went to hers with Courtney. These were the bedding arrangement we had come up with.

I collapsed on my bed and Mella did too. "this was a long day!!" I said.

"yep." she replied.

I started to fall asleep. She did too. Within the next minute we were both asleep and dreaming about cats. (lol so like Sebastian! XD)

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