chapter 11

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Unknown POV:

I was walking through the streets of London. 'Finally I got out of the house!' I thought to myself.

I was walking by a bunch of buildings. Up ahead of me there were a group of girls. One had black hair. One had pink hair and the last one had purple and teal hair. She appeared to have cat ears and a tail.

The one with cat ears turned to face her friends but continued walking. She was about to run into me so I lightly touched her back.

Alice's POV:

I jumped when I felt someone touch my back. I turned around and saw a girl who had long straight black hair. She had dark grey eyes that seemed to sparkle as though it were liquid silver.

She had a dress that showed her shoulders. The sleeves were long and grew wider the further down the arm it went. It was a dark blue and had green strings criss-crossing in the middle of it.

"sorry for startling you." she said with a sympathetic smile.

"that's fine. I'm used to it. It happens every once in a while." I said. "I'm Alice. This is Mella and this is Serena." I said pointing to each of my friends in turn.

"you are very open. Is that normal for people in London?" she asked tilting her head to the side like a little puppy.

"no that's not normal for people. That's normal for me though. Some people are open and some like to keep to themselves." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"oh. Well I'm Courtney." she said with a kind smile. I smiled back.

"so Courtney where are you headed? Are you running from something or someone?" I asked.

"I don't know where I'm heading." she said trying to avoid the second question.

"do you have a place to stay?" I asked wondering if she would like to live with me and Mella.

"no I don't have a place to stay. I didn't know how late it was getting." she said causing me to look around the four of us. The sun was starting to set and it was beautiful.

"ok well follow me! I have a place you can stay. But first I have a surprise for the three of you." I said smiling wickedly.

I grabbed their hands and pulled them out of the city. I found a big tree that looked easy enough to climb.

I started to climb even though it may be called "un-ladylike". When I got to a branch that wasn't to far from the ground and I could still reach my friends I grabbed them by the hands one at a time and pulled them up.

The branch was wide enough to hold us all at the same time. I told them to sit facing the sunset. They did and then the sky turned purple and orange. The sun was going down behind the hill that we were all looking at.

"it's beautiful!" Mella exclaimed.

"yeah it is." Courtney and Serena said at the same time. They looked at each other and giggled.

I smiled at everyone an stood up. The sun was about to disappear from all sight so I started to climb the tree. I climbed until I got to the top and sat down again. This time I was facing opposite of the sunset.

Then the moon rose. It was a beautiful full moon. It also had a little red in it. I don't know how long I sat staring at it but after a while I heard Mella Serena and Courtney calling my name.

I looked down and saw them standing there looking up at me. There was a fourth person that I couldn't make out. It was a man.. That much I could make out. He was wearing all black and looked tall. 'oh crap.... I'm in trouble.' I thought to myself.

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