chapter 13

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Mella's POV:

When I woke up Alice was still asleep. I got out of the bed and went to the door with a wicked idea in my mind. I quickly went to the room where Serena and Courtney were.

"guys!" I said/shouted as I opened the door. They both looked at me. "I have an idea on how to wake up Alice! Would you like to join me?" I asked.

They nodded and looked at me for what to do. I gathered them close together and whispered my plan.

After I told them what we have to do we headed off back to alice's and my room.

Alice's POV:

I woke up when I felt something (or someone in this case) jump on me.

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" I sat up a bit. I turned to look at Mella.

"OUCH!!!! what the HECK are you STINKIN doing?!?!?!??!" I yelled at her.

She smiled sheepishly and go off. "waking you up... Heehee!" she giggled nervously.

"just get off." I said a little to calmly. In my mind I was coming up with a way to get even. "anyway Serena and I need to get started with our work. So see ya!" I sad pulling Serena out of the room with me.

##about an hour or two later##

Now that I'm done with my chores I can ask Sebastian the question of the day! Although........ I may just skip the questioning and just do my own thing!

'nah I won't ask him. If he asks I'll just tell him that I'm cookin dinner.' I thought to myself while walking down the hallway to my room to get Mella to help me. I'll ask Serena too but i think she may be a little tired due to work.

"Mella!!!" I shouted opening the door.

"yeah?" she asked curiously then held a finger to her lips to silence me. I looked at the bed and saw Serena and Courtney asleep.

"aww they are so adorable! Anyway would you like to make dinner with me?" i said smiling.

"YES!!" she shouted totally forgetting about the sleeping girls. She noticed her mistake and whispered "oops. Hehe!"

The only response from the girls were a few tosses and turns. I sighed and pulled Mella out of the room with me and to the kitchen.

"ok let's get started. First of all do you know what a taco is?" I asked grabbing the supplies needed. (beef, lettuce, tomatoes, jalepeños, cheese, etc...)

"yeah I do because I sorta accidentally traveled to Spain one time when i was younger, via my powers. That was when I had my first taco! I totally love it! Oh my gosh is that what we are making!????" she said crazy like and eyeing the ingredients.

"yep that's what we are makin! You make the shells and I'll make everything else!" I said and started cooking the meat.

As we were in the middle of cooking Sebastian came in. He looked at us. "what are you doing?"

"we are dancing." I said with the most serious face in the world. He gave me the 'really?' face.

Mella and I burst out laughing. "we are making dinner you idiot! I thought that would be obvious." I continued to laugh as I cooked, as did Mella.

"what are you making?" he asked and I swear I heard some real curiosity in his voice. I turned around to find he was looking right over my shoulder.

"uhm. We are making... Uhm... tacos!" I said a little uncomfortable.

Mella popped up beside me and said "yep!"

I smiled at her enthusiasm. "what are you making for desert?" he asked. 'Why is he so curious?'

"for desert we will be having brownies. Now can you please leave so we may finish?"

He said nothing but just left.

We finished the tacos and started working on the brownies. (yumm brownies!!)

No long after we started the brownies we were done making them.

"ok! I'll wake up the girls and get them ready for dinner! You go set the table! Then all four of us can serve Ciel dinner!" I said.

"ok!" she said saluting like one of the three servants. She left to set the table and I left to wake the girls. Just like our plan.

##small itty bitty time skip of like 10 minutes##

The three other girls and I met in the kitchen. "ok now we must find Sebastian and tell him dinner is ready!" I said looking at all of them.

"ok" they said all together. At that we left to find Sebastian. We all went the same way so we didn't lose anybody.

After a little while of searching I said "new plan! Let's just go get Ciel for dinner."

When we finally got to Ciel's office guess who was standing right there. Yep it was Sebby.

"dinners ready. You can bring Ciel." I said that then turned and walked to the dining room.

Five minutes later we were all in the dining room and we were giving Ciel his first taco. "what is this?" he asked eying the taco like it would hop off his plate and run out the door.

"it's a taco. Have you seriously never heard of them?" Mella asked surprised.

"no. I havent." he said.

I then did the most sebastian like thing I have ever done. I sparkled while talking about tacos. (what little I knew anyway!) "a taco is a Spanish (or Mexican I really have no idea) dish made of beef tomatoes lettuce cheese and jalepeños! That and they are really yummy! Enjoy!!" at the end I struck a cute cat like pose.

He looked at me like I was insane (which I probably am to come up with this!) but reluctantly took a bite. "soooo what do you think?" Mella asked.

"it's ok." he said.

"yay he likes it!!" Mella and I shouted together and hopped up and down in place. At this everyone stared.

Then courtney asked, "are you sure you two aren't related?"

I looked at her and said with all honesty "I don't know if we are or not but that would be cool!" I smiled at everyone. "well I'm tired and I thinking gunna turn in. Save some tacos for me!"

"ok!" the girls said.

Then Mella said, "I'm gunna go to bed too! Night guys!" she said and ran off behind me.

"well that was nice!" I said changing into a tanktop and shorts I had lying around.

"yep!" she said and did the same.

"night Mella"

"night Alice"

At this we fell asleep.

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