8. Anger Rises

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"Good Morning mom" I was greeted with a quick hug that made me feel safe for the second it lasted. It's been more than 3 weeks since Natalie and I said goodbye. It feels like it's been months.

"Mae, we have to go." My mom grabbed my arm and dragged me to the kitchen table. "What are you talking about Mom?!" I am really late. How come I never know what she is talking about? "We are moving" my mom looked me straight into the eye, no emotions were shown through the way she communicated this news. My mind was blank. "Moving??" I couldn't process the words coming out of her mouth.

"Mae, we aren't safe here. We have to move. They have a safe military base in Lexington, Pennsylvania. Is a 7-hour flight." Great. The highlight of my week. Anger rose inside of me, this is not fair.

This stupid society is ruining our lives. First they ban dogs and give us curfews like we are some annoying kids that won't stop jumping up and down. Then the stupid disease kills Aunt Cali and dad. They do nothing to stop it besides killing innocent people. This is all their fault. They don't even have a cure? Have they ever searched for a cure?

"Mom! We can't leave. We have too much to loose. We grew up here. I can't loose anything. I am not willing to give up anyone else I love." She stared at me, her eyes softened and I could tell she was sad too.

"Baby. Giving up things is a part of life. We can't stay here forever. We have a 30% chance of living here; the air is mixed with toxic gases; the Faroile disease has been spreading for almost a year now with no weakening and the government won't allow us to live if we get infected. You saw the news Mae, there is no chance. You have Michael and I, we are the only ones you have" I have Natalie, I think I do.
"Are we there yet?" Michael whined forever. "Michael.  Cut it out. We just got on the airplane, I didn't even take off yet. Boarding ends in 40 minutes."

I can't believe this is it. We are finally moving. I had to say goodbye to Belle, Savannah and Mike just to get on a junky plane. Everybody is running away to safer bases, I'm not sure where Belle, Savannah or Mike are going but I hope they are coming here.

"Does anyone need first aid, food, water or medical attention?" The intercom woke several around us but we all daydreamed about eating while the attendants got us our food.

"Maam, would you like anything?" My mom tapped my shoulder and pointed to the attendant who was eagerly waiting for my answer. Everything you can possibly give me please.

"I would like a s'mores granola bar and a strawberry smoothie please" I looked at my mom and she nodded in approval. Michael ordered the same but with a Kin Lime soda and a jello along with it. That will be 40,62 tags please. My mom pulled out 3 silver coins and a few tags. Some countries use coins and bills but we use coins and tags.

"Scan here please" the attendant held out a thin glass frame for my mom. My mom held it up to her face for a scan, and read her NOS to the attendant. Every person has a number of security. A NOS is usually around 16 to 25 digits and if you mess up you have to confirm voice check, sound check, eye check, and face check.

Security is pretty important these days. "Thanks mom for the food, I am happy it was cheaper than expected."

"Mae?" I heard a voice behind me. I turn around. Just like I thought, no one is there.

"Mae??" I turn around again.

"Natalie??" Oh my gosh. It's Natalie. "Mae!!! Your'e going to Lexington too?" I've never been so happy in my life. "Yes! We are living there now" I squeeze through the passengers who are trying to find their seats. I run over to Natalie and give her a huge hug.

"How did this happen?" I asked her with a huge grin on my face. "Well I used the flight check and I found what airplane your flying on!" The grin dropped from my face. "Your'e not on this airplane?"

"No Mae, I'm not going on this airplane but I'm on A246! I'm still going to Lexington, PA!" The grin returned and widened every time I thought of how safe Natalie was now, with me. "Flight check? They have those here?"

I needed to find out where Belle, Savannah and Mike are being stationed. "Yah Mae. They are near the front desk on the Check in- Mac" Score. "I will be back in a few minutes mom!" I yelled, apparently I disturbed many people around me.

I grabbed Natalie's hand and we ran past groups of people to the flight check in. When we got there I took a deep breath and walked up to the glass screen. I searched my friends name, last name first. I found Belle's name first and scrolled through her stations. She is stationed in Auburn, AL, flight C348. It won't tell me any more details without typing in her N.O.S. Next I search for Savannah and find her stationed in Langhorne, PA.

I pull my phone out of my pocket to check the distance apart. Only 2 hours apart. Not bad, I'll miss her, though, she is my best friend. I search Mike and it won't show me anything. It says: No results found on the search of "Mike Miller". That's weird.

"Natalie, so you found out the test results?" I wondered how on earth she is still alive, but I was grateful.

"We didn't get the test results yet, we were going to get them tomorrow at 6 pm. My parents figured since I ain't dead yet, I still have a chance to live. It's pretty obvious I don't have the disease but if I do, it sure is taunting me with death." I prayed again for Natalie.

It sure is taunting me with death. Her words rang in my head. I'm glad she is still with me. "So you guys just decided to move?" "Yeah. We figured it's better to be safe than sorry. If any signs of the disease come back for me, I will be in a safe place, not in an execution assembly.
*Flight A236 is leaving in 5 minutes, flight A236 is leaving in 5 minutes*

"That's me Natalie. I got to go! I'll see you In Lexington" I gave Natalie a huge hug and ran to gate A to board the airplane.

"Maella! That was more then a few minutes! You were gone for the whole boarding break, we were going to go get  Michael a snack but we don't have time. Apologize to your brother right now!"

I knew I just reached the top of her nerves. "My name is Mae. Not Maella" I glared at my mom and then regret my decision the second I stepped over the line.

"Don't you give me any attitude young lady, I am your mother and I can call you whatever I please, I named you Maella for a reason." I took a big breath, man, I hate being wrong.

"Sorry Michael, you can have my snack" I gave him my granola bar and slumped down in my seat. "Now where were you Maella?" Really mom, why do you aggravate me on purpose.

"I, MAE Darwins, was at the flight check." I couldn't help it. I had to be right, this time. "Who was that girl you were with" she raised her eyebrow at me. "Natalie mom, her name is Natalie."

"This is going to be a long flight" I mumbled to myself, and then, I fell asleep.

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