13. Wake up

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February 21, A Saturday

"Mae! Wake up!" Somebody was shaking me furiously. CLEARLY somebody couldn't tell I was injured!

"What the heck do you want!" I yelled, I don't know who I was yelling at, but it was necessary. "Take a chill pill" Chase replied.

"I think she is already taking enough medicine" my mom responded, sounding worried. As I started to recognize the voices around me, I tried to sit up.

"Maella sit back down our your going to pass out." My mom warned me. "You have a major concussion so don't make any more sudden movements." My mom said after seeing my confused face. "Where am I?" I stared at the ceiling, unable to move my neck or head too much. It feels like any movement and my neck will snap.

"Who all is here?" I asked. Who came to check on me? I love my friends. "Chase. Mike. Michael and I." My mom replied bluntly. My heart dropped, I was kind of hoping for Natalie to show up. I haven't seen her for a few weeks and I have no idea where she lives.

"Oh okay." I gave them a half smile.  "Mom I am really hungry can we get something to eat?" I asked after hearing my stomach grow furiously.

"Um. Yeah okay. Michael is hungry too so I will be right back" my mom tried to say quickly before leaving the room. My mom left the room and Chase walked up to me. "Do you remember me?" He asked while holding my hand in a friendly way.

"Yes stupid" I laughed. " I don't have anesthesia" I giggled and at the same time he chuckled. "Just making sure puppy" he smiled at me.

"Hey just to let you know, Mike is in the hallway and he is worried about you. I'm surprised, he has been here for hours" Chase nodded towards Mike who was leaning against the door with his hands in his pockets.

"How long have I been here?" I whispered to Chase before Mike barged in. "Almost a day" Mike answered as Chase opened his mouth to speak. "Wow. I didn't know whiplash could put me here for a day" I winced in pain when I turned my head to face Mike who was on the right side of my hospital bed. "Hey Mike" I gave him a goofy smile. "Hey girl" he grinned at me. "How you doing?"

"I'm doing good thanks! I just am having trouble moving." I stifled a laugh.

"I hope everything improved. School starts in 2 days. " he gave me an annoyed look as the word school came out of his mouth.

"You know Mike. Now that I think of it. My neck is really hurt, I don't know if I can make it to school Monday" I grabbed my neck in pain as I glanced at Mike to see if he bought my horrible acting skills. Nope.

I started humming as I slowly closed my eyes to imagine what school would be like on Monday. The thought of school ruined my day. And it was even worse when school actually came around the corner.
February 22, A Sunday
I was bummed that I couldn't go to church today even though we don't officially go to a church. I can't move my neck, but I still wanted to get out of this hospital. I got out of the hospital bed and am now in the wheel chair with a neck brace. Why won't they let me walk, my legs do work!

I rolled around the hospital with Chase, looking for more activities to keep me entertained. Chase put on a puppet show for me and I laughed so hard I got a headache. Mike was at home catching up on sleep because I told him he doesn't need to be with me every minute. I'm not that important.

Michael and Mom are going to pick up mom's check right now so she can pay for the hospital bill. I feel so bad. We are all ready low on money, why did I have to add a huge bill to my Moms debt. I have been strolling around for about 10 minutes and I don't see anything. I start to head back. As I turn around, I see a tall girl facing a hospital wall with lists on them. I walk towards the wall and see that the girl is looking at the hospital lunch schedules. My voice is scratchy, but I managed a "Hey. What are you looking for?" I'm not sure whether she understood me or not.

The girl turned around to face me and instantly I recognized her. "Mae!" She smiled. "Savannah!!!" I scooped her into a huge hug trying to avoid moving my neck and then bombarded her with questions.
"I thought you lived in Langhorne!" I questioned her 2 hour visit. "Yeah well my dad got really sick and he is stationed here for an army camp so we came here to see him" She grabbed my hand and dragged me across the hall to a room her dad was staying in. There was a large white hospital bed, a little bigger than mine, will a tray full of untouched food next to it. I was so surprised, it's like I was expecting this room to look like this but I had no idea it would. I was dragged, once again, to a bed with a little girl next to it. "Mae, this is my little cousin Natalie! She came here to visit my dad because it is her uncle" she pointed to Natalie who gave me a huge grin. I gave Natalie a huge embrace and stood next to her. "Well you two are awfully friendly" Savannah laughed and I rolled my eyes. "I have known Natalie for about 2 months now, Natalie and I met in a very emotional situation." I gave Natalie a little shrug and she burst into laughter. We talk about their uncle/dad and they talk about how he got sick. It's weird, they explain the symptoms of the Faroile disease but the doctors said he didn't have it. It feels good to finally be complete. I know where Natalie is, and I have Savannah, Mike, and Chase's number. I can finally keep connected with those who helped me settle into this crazy new world. The funniest thing of all is, I had NO idea that Savannah and Natalie were cousins!

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