9. Welcome to PA

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"Flight A236 is landing, Flight A236 is landing". My brother and I awoke to the sound of a new life. My mom and I exchanged smiles as we stood up to get our luggage from above us.

I am so excited that Natalie is coming with us. I have never been happier to be separated from home.

"Are we here??" Michaels smile widened and eyes popped out of his head. Michael is just too perky! I giggled as I replayed the scene over and over in my head. "Yes Michael. We're here" Michael shrugged and I rolled my eyes at his innocence. My family and I grabbed our carry on luggage above us and went to the bag pick up to search for whatever was left.

"Mom. Where's my bag?" I searched for my luggage, I thought a large pink bag would stand out. I guess not. "I'm not sure. Maybe ask the front desk" my mom replied while lifting her bag off the moving ground. I walked over to the front desk to ask where my bag was.
"Well I could make a intercom call if you'd like" the guy grinned at me. He looked my age. Maybe a few years older, I'm guessing 15 or 16. I gave him a shy smile. "Sure. Thanks." I glanced at him again awkwardly.

Wow he is cute. He has light brown hair and dark brown eyes. He wears a shark tooth necklace around his neck and moves it quite often.

"So what's your name?" He smiled at me. I melted inside. I haven't seen a heart warming smile like that for months.
"I'm Mae. What about you?" I felt heat crawling up my cheeks. "Chase, the names Chase. Welcome to PA. " he extended his hand toward me and I gladly shook it. "Nice to meet you Chase"

I think I'm liking Pennsylvania already. I smirked at the thought of seeing Chase again. "How about lunch later?" He smiled and handed me his phone. I punched in my number and thought about my plans for the next few days. "I'd like that" my eyes traveled toward the intercom.

He must have saw me cause he replied to my thoughts. "So about that call, what's your luggage number and what does it look like?" He smiled at me again.

Grrrr that smile. I need a few seconds to contain myself. "Um. It's pink. And. Um..... I uh... Let me go check" I was blushing like an idiot.

Way to go Mae... Way to go. I quickly walked over to my mom and asked for the luggage tag. "Where is the paper that says our luggage on it?" I asked. "Mae. No need to rush. That guy isn't going to leave that soon" she smirked at me.

Oh gosh. My mom involved with cute guys and I. Great. "Haha mom. Please give me the paper now" I reached for her purse and she quickly snatched it away. "First. Get on your knees and say the magic word" she started giggling like the maniac and glanced toward Chase. I looked at Chase and saw him laughing at my mom's teenage act.

Oh my gosh. Just call me dead. "Really mom. Thanks for nothing" I got on my knees and said please like a little kid. A few people around us looked my way and gave me insane glances. That's new, the awkward looks were given to me and not my mom.

I guess my begging was good enough for her because she laughed and dug into her old purse. She pulled out 20 tags and gave me the paper I've been begging for. "What's the money for??" I asked, very confused.

"Looks like you have a date girlfriend". My mom smirked at me and pushed me toward my future husband. I glared at my mom and then stifled a laugh, she IS pretty funny. I walked over to Chase and handed him the paper.

"Thanks puppy." He smirked. I have a feeling he has a reason to call me puppy. "Puppy huh? Where did you get that from?" I giggled. "Cause you begged like a cute little puppy" he pinched my cheeks and I blushed slightly. He reached for the intercom and clicked the button.

"If anyone finds a large hot pink suitcase. Please report to front desk A, the luggage tag is A 31-23-6, the luggage tag number is A 31-23-6. Thank you" He smiled at me and clicked the button to turn the intercom off.

"So how bout that lunch?" I smiled and pulled the 20 tags out of my pocket. "Sure thing puppy. I get out in an hour since my shift ends at 12." He nodded and waved at me as I walked off to talk to my mom.

"Hey mom is it alright if I go to lunch at noon?" Oh no. My mom is giving me an evil smile. "Mae. Please come to front desk A, your luggage has been found." Yay!

"Hey mom. I'll be right back" I skipped over to the front desk and waved at Chase. I saw a blonde guy holding my luggage. "Hey there puppy" a smile spread across his face.

"Hey again Chase" I blushed. The guy in front of me turned around and opened his mouth in shock.

"Mae? Is that you?" He grinned.

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