14. School... Great

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As I walked into school, I felt dead. I finally got my neck brace off. It doesn't feel better but they gave me a brace just for sleeping.

Wearing a neck brace to my first day of 9th grade at this school isn't a very good idea. I am walking into a building fill up cliques, homework, and jocks that are full of themselves. Am I right?

School is never the way to start your week, even though you have no choice. Being in 9th grade, and 15, I am mostly normal. Just wait till these people find out about my past. Mike and I walk into school, hand in hand, ready to face the new experience as best friends. "You ready Mae?" He asked me. "Yup." I said as I pushed open the double doors and entered the school.  The first face I recognized was Jax's. Thank goodness he isn't with Lea, I would die. We walked up to Jax and Mike, and being Mike, he started a conversation with Jax. Jax explained that his college classes don't start until 10 and that he came early to show us to our first classes since we left before we were supposed to on Friday. "Show me guys your schedules please" he held out his hand, ready to receive our papers. "Okay. Mrs Baumer first.... World history with Mr Daveis..." He mumbled to himself as he read off our classes. He sat at a table near the lockers and wrote little notes on the side of our papers. He handed us back our papers 10 minutes later and this is what mine said:
Period 1:
Mrs.Baumer; English Literature; DO NOT argue with her, especially do not correct her spelling mistakes.

Period 2:
Mr. Dimar; French; DO NOT mispronounce a word. Always do his homework and get to class before- not the minute of.

Period 3:
Ms. Lakenheif; Math; DO NOT talk in class or she will give you extra homework, and never use a calculator unless instructed. You will be labeled as a "cheater" and will be sent home with double the homework and a note to detention.

Period 4:
Ms. Samuels; Science; NICEST TEACHER EVER. Never argue against her beliefs, she is very sensitive but so fun! She has been my favorite since 8th grade. (You have her in 8th, 9th and 12th).

Period 5: Ms. Roasaline (Art), Coach Kerk (Gym). Everyday the class switches. Funny but very strict about following directions: Always do your push-ups correct and you will only have to do 10; not 20. Also, be careful with the art supplies or your parents will have to pay for whatever you break.

Period 6: Mr Daveis; World history; easy homework; super hard test; make sure you study as well as you can. Super funny and chill kind of guy; always makes me laugh. He is cool about being late unless your 5 minutes or later.

Period 7: Ms Caythie; study hall. No fooling around. Show her homework; do homework; study; then once your done you can walk around the hallway or go home. Always ask if you can help with anything; she will be kinder to you if your kind to her.

As Mike and I read our papers we laughed at the funny comments and were very worried about the strict teachers. We had 15 minutes till school started and Mike and I only had 5 classes together:
• Study hall (Everyone has study hall together).
Jax walked us to our first class which was with Mrs.Baumer. "Bye Jax!" I said and gave him a wave. "Thanks for showing us around dude" Mike gave him a nod. "No problem. Have fun" Sure... Like we're going to have fun in school. Jax walked off, hands in his pockets, and looked over his shoulder to make sure we got in the classroom. Mike and I walked into our first period, the room looked very organized and tight. We took a seat next to each other near a window and exchanged smiles. I sat my binder on my desk and my phone too.  The second I laid my stuff down, a girl about 16 slammed her fist on my desk. "That's my seat" she tried to say while chewing her gum really obnoxiously. I gave her a "too bad" look and her jaw clenched as she gave me a rude look in return. If looks could kill, I would be stabbed to death. "Move" she leaned down and hovered right In front of my desk. "Make me" I said before I even thought about my life choices. This will be the last choice of my life. The girl threw my phone and binder to the ground and the class around me laughed. "Vanessa. I don't think that is necessary." The teacher walked into the room and gave "Vanessa" a dirty look. I released a huge sigh and bent down to pick up my items. I grabbed my phone and saw a huge crack on the front, luckily it was very thin and I could still see the screen. I slipped my phone into my back pocket and laid my binder back on my desk. Vanessa walked past me and sat 2 seats behind me. I rested my elbow on my binder, protecting it from any other rude girls who want to throw it to the ground. I turned around slowly, so I didn't hurt my neck, and gave a glare to Vanessa who just chuckled. Man, I am asking for it. I quickly turn around before the teacher can catch my bad attitude toward the salty girl behind me. "Hello. And, are you our new students?" Mrs.Baumer asked my before lightly jogging over to us.  She jogged over to us and shook our hands. "Nice to meet you" she smiled and told us to share ourselves with the class. Mike walked up first and shared with everyone that he was front Little Washinton and gave some history about what his personality was like and even got a few chuckles from the class. Oh boy he got giggles from those girls. Don't get jealous Mae. He probably doesn't even like them, he doesn't even know them. I convinced myself that Mike wouldn't be Into girls that we're 10x hotter than me. I didn't do a very good job of convincing because the next 5 minutes felt like 20. Mike sat down next to me and I walked up to be laughed at by Vanessa and whoever else wastes their life being rude to people. "Um. Hi" I gave a small smile. Well this is going good so far. "I am also from Little Washington, Mike and I lived in the same Laine. I am-"

"Someone's got a little crush" Vanessa cut me off and laughed, some boys whistled. My face grew bright red and I wished that I could disappear. Right when I was about to say something, Mrs.Baumer told Vanessa to leave the room. Vanessa stood up and purposely rammed into my shoulder on the way out. I continued my speaking and I told some stuff about what I like to do and my family. I didn't tell them anything, especially not about the disease, especially not about the past. If there were any Vanessa minions in here, I'll never get away from it. Today, we learned about English and terms like diction, imagery, and literacy terms. She told us that we have a paper due Friday that gives examples for 10 of the terms that we learned today and puts these examples in a story format. This homework is as easy as pie, literally, I can finish pie off in 3.14 seconds. The rest of the day was pretty good I guess, we survived the other classes. I saw Vanessa a few times in the hall but just ignored her for the best. Homework was not a buttload like I was expecting, by the sound of it, homework will be easy.
"Uggghhh. Mikeee! This is harder than I thought" I tried saying while chewing on my pen. I love pens, you will never see me using a pencil unless I am being forced to. "Mae, calm down. I'm sure you got this, after all, you told me it was as easy as pie" He smirked at me. "Mikee! Nooo!" I whined and hit my head on the table.

"No talking in study hall" Ms.Caythie hissed at us. No wonder why they call her Crabby Caythie.

"Someone is Crabby, again" Mike whispered to me and I laughed.

The bell rang and we all walked out ready to go home for the day. Mike and I were heading for our lockers when Chase walked around the corner with Vanessa. I ran up to him. "Chase!" I had no idea he went to our school. "Hey puppy" he gave me a hug. "Puppy?" Vanessa put her hands on her hips and gave Chase the death stare. "Chill babe, she's a friend" he rolled his eyes at her which made me laugh. I noticed that him and Vanessa were now holding hands. "Chase? Your with Vanessa?" I was really angry, he can do way better. Chase could notice I was mad but he acted like it didn't bother him. "Yep" He smiled and pulled Vanessa into a kiss.

Wow, just great.

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