7. Uncovering the truth

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"Michael. Wake up!" I whined at my brother who was still sleeping on the couch. "What do you want Maella" My brother woke up and glared straight at me.

"Don't call me that!" I snapped at him and pushed him off the couch. "Get up you lazy butt. Mom wants to talk to us"

My brother and I sure do love each other. Just not in the mornings. Michael gets up and crosses his arms at me. I giggle at his facial expression. It is hilarious when he is mad.

"You sure are intimidating for an 11-year-old. But I am the older one, by 4 years" I smirked at my brother reminding him that he is the baby in this situation. "Why does mom want us anyway?"

"Idk Michael. Mom said we all need to have a serious talk" I warned him that this talk wasn't going to be pretty. Michael and I walk into my mom's room to find her digging through her drawers. "Mom. What are you doing?" I asked. "Looking for the T.V remote" she replied still throwing things out of the drawer. "It's upstairs." I quickly stated. "Maella how do you know that?" What is it with people today. I don't go by Maella.

"Um.... I like to check the news." I stammered. "Well. Did you see the latest news? That's what we need to talk about." My mom looked worried. I recognized that face, just like when dad died. Misbelief, worry, heartbroken.

We all walked upstairs to the T.V room. We fell onto the couch, strength leaving our bodies as we prepared to see the world unravel before our eyes. I didn't know it but I was about to uncover the start of a journey.

I watched the T.V flicker on and off until the news popped up. New on Little Washington top stories. The Faroile disease has been majorly breaking out in small countries and areas. Dominating small areas of lands and moving to big communities, our only hope is to stop this disease from spreading. Our scientist uncovered the host of this disease, dogs. On this day, one year ago, Little Washington banned all dogs from their area. We thought getting rid of dogs would stop this disease but expert scientist Caroline Marshal disagrees. "We thought dogs were the only hosts, they aren't. Once the Faroile disease infects a human, the virus builds on all our other germs, sickness and viruses in our body and destroy us completely. The Faroile disease is not deadly in dogs but increased power every time it is passed on to a human. Human contact can be deadly when interacting with a host of this virus. And the government is not going to let more infection spread"

Thank you, Caroline Marshal, for your update to the citizens of Little Washington. Now we will check in on Lamier James who is investigating a political assembly. "Hello, citizens of Little Washington. I am here at an execution assembly where Mayor Regan Harrold is giving a speech about our new law that is taking place"

"-This disease is the death of us." He finished. "We cannot let this happen. We cannot let anybody else host this disease. I hereby declare a new law. Everyone with the Faroile disease, shall be executed within 2 hours of the test results"

The crowd went mild mad and screamed at the Mayor. A line of infected hosts stood shoulder to shoulder on the other side of the isolation fence on their knees.

The white killers held guns to their head and counted down from ten. People prayed, they screamed, we cried and some people counted down with the white killers. 5...4...3...2...1... Then it happened. They were no longer there. Everything felt like a distant memory. Everything was silent and the gunshots rung in our ears. And then, I turned off the T.V.

We didn't know why this was happening. Why these people didn't get a chance to recover. The Faroile disease was the deadliest disease we've ever encountered.

That's when I realized, they weren't going to live anyway. There is no stopping this. No stopping it at all.

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