12. New Places, New Faces

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February 18th, A Friday

"Mae, I want you to meet Lea and Jax" Mike introduced me to his college friends. "Hi. I'm Mae!" I smiled at them and shook their hands. I leaned into Mike and whispered in his ear

"Mike, how do you know them?" Lea and Jax were holding hands and exchanging awkward glances. "They are our school escorts, they are going to show us around since we are new" he whispered back into my ear. "Oh okay"

I gave him half a smile and started up a conversation with Lea and Jax. "So. Are you two dating?" I asked and nodded toward their couple affection. "Yeah. Two and a half years" Lea smiled and kissed Jax on the cheek.

Jax smirked and put his arm around Lea. "So when do we start school?" I asked them. "Monday, you guys might want to go out this weekend and shop for some stuff. 4 days isn't very long" Lea smiled at me. Too bad Lea is in college, we could be really good friends.

"Yeah! Shopping is so much fun!" I smiled "Maybe you could come with us, we're going shopping today for school supplies. We just got our schedules."

Lea pulled a packet from her binder and handed it to me. "Shopping is bor-" I cut Mike off by elbowing him in the rib. "Ow!" Mike rubbed the side of his chest and scrunched his face up. "Fine. I'll go shopping" "Awesome" I gave them a smile and opened the packet Lea handed to me.

"Are these our schedules?"

"Yes, also there is some paperwork your parents need to fill out" Lea said and I gulped.

"Both Parents?" I asked and glanced at Mike, oh gosh.

"Yes. A parent is required to sign your forms." she nodded. "You DO have parents... right?"

"Um, yeah of course. Why wouldn't we?" I gave her a nervous laugh.

"Okay.... so bring those home to your parents tonight and have them dropped off to school at least 2 days before school. I recommend tomorrow or Saturday." She instructed me very carefully making sure I understood everything she said.

My eyes traveled all over the school. I stood there listening to Lea but discovering my soon to be school at the same time. The walls had a small amount of age to them but the school looked about 10 years old, not THAT ancient. The lockers looked shiny and they were pretty small.

"Why are the lockers so small?" I asked them. Jax was the first to speak up, "Those are the sports lockers, they are for team players to keep their travel stuff, mostly team jerseys and football helmets." He pointed toward the gym. I laid my paperwork down on a table next to the lockers and I walked up to the gym. I tried to open the doors but them were locked.

"Darn it." I muttered. I tried to look into the windows but the sun shone inside the gym and I couldn't see. I walked down the hallways and peeped my head into each room asking billions of questions. As you can probably tell, I don't make very good first impressions. Wow, the school is beautiful. They have so much we couldn't afford in Little Washington. I think that this year is going to b-

Lea cut me off from my thought. "What happened to your dad?". I saw Lea holding a piece of paper from my paperwork. She is in college and she still doesn't know how to mind her own business, wow. I walked up to Lea and snatched the paperwork from her.

"Don't go through my stuff" I glared at her and walked down the hallway. When I got to the end of the hallway I pushed opened the doors and started running.

Tears of anger were streaming down my face. "Mae! Stop running!" I heard a voice behind me. I stopped and quickly turned around to be facing Mikes worried face.

I grabbed my neck and winced in pain, I got whiplash. I fell instantly and my head made contact with the ground in less than 3 seconds.

My sight started getting blurry and I saw movement above my head. I could make out a few figures leaning over me. Some idiot was shining a light in my face and that when I felt the back of my neck was wet.

I wiped the back of my neck and saw blood on my hand, I was laying in my own blood. That's when I closed my eyes, and I drifted away.

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