10. Lunch, and a bunch of questions

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**Picture credits (ShortandSweet01 ) Thanks so much!!! 😃**
I can't believe it! "Mike?" I huge smile spread across my face. "Mae! I missed you!" He pulled me into a huge hug and I wrapped my arms around his neck returning the gesture.

"Um. Puppy?" Chase cleared his throat and glanced at Mike and I awkwardly. "Um yeah.." I realized that Mike and I were still in an embrace and I slowly let go. I scratched the back of my head. Boy this is awkward.

"So Chase, this is Mike. Mike, this is Chase!" I smiled at them.

"Hey" Mike gave Chase a fake smile and Chase replied "Sup".

"So Chase about that lunch...can Mike come too?" I asked.

Hopefully they can get along. Just for now. "Sure puppy. I can manage" he grinned at me. Oh boy is this guy amazing. "Great" I said. This is going to be awesome.
"And then I told him to go away to change his pants" Chase laughed and finished telling the story about Halloween when Chase scared a guy so bad he wet his pants. Then the guy tried to pick a fight and Chase roasted him. I giggled and threw my French fry at Chase.

Mike was sitting next to me, I sometimes would force a laugh out of him, rarely. Most of the time he would glare at Chase or play "color" on his phone. I told Mike to lighten up, I don't know why but I think he isn't very fond of Chase.

We are at "Bernie's Burgurs", Chase told me about the place when we were looking for a place to eat. He said that Bernie dropped out of high school and opened up this restaurant 10 years ago, that explains why he didn't spell burger right. I ran my hands through my soft brown hair and thought about everything. About being here about the things I left behind.

I'll be alright, after all I got these idiots. I smiled and threw another French fry at Chase, this time, with ketchup. I leaned against Mike, "What's wrong?" I whispered in his ear.

He turned to look at me and then turned away. He grabbed my hand and started walking outside. "I'll be right back" I called for Chase. "Okay puppy." He nodded.

"Mike. What's wrong?" I could see the worry in his eye. He hesitated to answer me but I know he would, he is my best guy friend. "Mae. I don't have anywhere to live." What? His family is practically rich. Well, richer than the average LW citizen. They usually have everything they need. "What do you mean? Your parents haven't picked out a place yet?" His eyes dropped to the ground like they lost connection to his brain.

"My parents are dead" he replied and held my hand tighter. I felt tears building up around my eyes. I've known his parents since I was 3 and they have always been there for me. I hugged him and leaned into his chest, so this is what 15 year olds have to go through. This is sick.

"I'm so sorry Mike. I didn't know" He held me tighter and responded to my comfort. "It's okay Mae. At least I have you." And then a tear dropped from his cheek.
"Hey puppy welcome back" Chase nods to me. "Hey" I said quietly. I am still shocked about Mike and his news. Luckily he has enough money to rent a place. Mike asked if I could help him find an apartment he could live in until he got a job. "Where is Mike?" Chase asked. "Well. He is going home early" He's going home to a crappy hotel, he deserves better.

"Really? It's only 3!" Chase looked surprised. He looked cute when he was surprised! "Yeah so how long until your shift starts again?" How long to I have with one of my only friends?

"I have to be back at work at 5, we have quite a while" he smiled shyly at me and I returned the gesture. "Cool. I can stay till' 4:30."

Chase and I talked for quite a while. It was nice to know someone new, someone different, and it was nice to know I had someone watching my back. And it was nice to know that someone was cute too. *Smirk*

Chase drove me home that night and we said goodbye. I smiled and I was stuck on the thought that I had a new friend. I didn't have to worry about a "disease" anymore and I didn't have to worry about the safety of my family. As far as I knew, they were safe and so was I.
"Hey mom. I home!" I yelled. Perfect, just on time. Let's home Chase gets to work on time, he has 18 minutes. I walked into our new apartment and took my shoes off. I looked around the mint scented room and remembered when mom first showed us these pictures. It wasn't the best glimpse of the future but at least we had a plan. It would stink to get here and not know where to live. "Mae. Mom went out to get us some dinner"

Michael walked into the same room I was in and gave me a questionable hug.

"What was that for?" I asked. "Well if you must ask. I didn't want Mike to be the only one to hug you today" he laughed at me.

"Go away Michael. It was nothing. We just are friends that haven't seen each other for months," I rolled my eyes at my brothers obnoxious comment.

"Special friends" he put his fingers around those words and I stuck my tongue out at him once again.

"When you get a special slap across the face, don't be shy to thank me" I sneered at him.

"Okay but don't deny it. Mae, I know you like Mike"

The funny this is, for a second I actually thought about it.

Do I like Mike?


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