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** Picture credits to Bella (Braevinabcs) thanks girl 😊 ♡**

Well, that's the story of March 3rd. And I'm still trying to find out what my parents are hiding. Let's continue; I am running home and I missed my curfew...

Excuses, I have to think of an excuse.

I ran through the door staggering and out of breath. "Mae Leslie Darwins, I've been worried sick about you!"

"I'm sorry mom! Somebody was chasing me," I lied. Man, I suck at lying. "Stop! Stop with all these excuses, lying isn't going to get you anywhere in life," my mom yelled.

"I'm not lying! And if excuses don't do anything good then why are you lying to me!?" I screamed, holding back the tears. Oh no. The words slipped right through my big lips. My mom was completely speechless but I knew that look, she was guilty. I ran to my room, slammed the door and locked it. This is the first fight we've had since my dad disappeared.

I slid my curtain to the side and looked out the window. The soldiers are still there like they always will be. They just appeared out of nowhere. I closed the curtain and laid on my bed stuck on the thought. When did they even get here? I was confused, but next time I go out to feed Ginger this late, I'm going to run even faster. If I am even going home.
"Dad, dad! Come back!" I watched it. My dad was dying. He forgot who I was, memory loss I guess. "Mom!" I screamed running inside. "Dad, he-",

"What happened!?" My mom cut me off. Running towards the door. "Dad, he doesn't know who we are, he staggered off that way. He looked really pale", I cried into my mom's arms.

Then I woke up. It happened just like I remembered.

"Mom, I had a nightmare, about dad", I said as I approached her and dads room.

"Mom! Are you awake?" I repeated. I really need comfort.

"Yes hun, I'm awake," She answered like we didn't have a huge fight yesterday. People move on I guess.

"I have dreams about dad too hun, I really miss him," She answered half awake.

"I do too" said a voice next to mom. I almost had a heart attack. "Mom, who said that!?" I panicked.

"Michael, he got upset a few hours ago. So he came and laid next to me."

"Oh ok, what time is it?" I asked wondering how long we have to lay in bed and think about dad.

My mom opened the curtain to look at the sky, "It's about 5 maybe. I'm not sure. It almost light out" mom said. I pulled out my phone, Aunt Cali bought it for me on my 10th birthday.

"You will always be able to call me, and I'll be here to talk to you" she told me. Not anymore. My eyes released silent tears as I thought of aunt Cali and dad.

I thought of how they are victims and they didn't even deserve it. I got a weird feeling at the bottom of my gut.

Maybe I have the disease. But I couldn't, me and dad haven't spoken weeks before he died. He was at work and he never returned home for 3 weeks. Then one day he came home, he ran to us, like he was running from something. He fainted and when he woke, he didn't remember us. My mom told me to keep my distance, she knew what had happened. She didn't tell me until Dad left. "Goodbye Mich" she said to him. I saw the loneliness in her eyes and we both cried together. He staggered off into the woods and I haven't seen him for months. I couldn't have it, I convinced myself over, over, and over.

Come lay next to me", Mom patted the empty, lonely spot on the bed where dad used to lay. "Ok mom", I sat next to her and laid my head on her shoulder.

"Mom, I couldn't have the disease, right?"

"Baby. If you had the disease, your skin would be bleeding already. It happens after a month"

"I'm glad I don't. I'm glad we are all safe. I love you mom. No matter what happens."

"I love you too," she said assuring me that everything was going to be ok.

As we fell asleep, Michaels snoring continued to scare the nightmares away.
I woke up in my Mom's arms, the pain unbearable. I crawled slowly off the bed, assuring I didn't wake Michael and Mom up. I walked into the bathroom.

I looked into the rusty mirror, staring at myself. My face was bright red and stained with tears, my eyes sting from crying. Why me? Why am I loosing everyone? I started crying again. I tried convincing myself this was over. It didn't work.

It can't get better it can only get worse. I didn't know how to cheer myself up, it seemed there was no reason to be happy.

I don't know how Mom does it, she always looks for the bright side. There is no bright side, life is dull. I just wish dad was still here because I need him most.

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