Kuroo (lost and found)

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Okay. #2. Here we go! (((:

You sigh as you walk around the streets of Tokyo. You really had no idea where you were or where you were going.

You tried to look for familiar land marks but nothing seemed to trigger your memory.

Feeling defeated you sat on the cirb of the road.

How could you have gotten lost!?

More importantly, how could your friends have left you like that!? You had gone to the bathroom in a small cafe that you were all dinning in. When you came out however, all your friends had left.

You were calm about the situation at first thinking it was just a silly joke,but you soon realized that they really had left you.

You sighed thinking about it. Some friends right?

You simply shook your head sighing once more before resting your face in the palm of your hands.

"Something wrong?" An unfamiliar voice asked. You looked up to see a messy haired boy who looked slightly bored with you as it was.

You quickly stood not wanting to be confronted or cause any trouble at the moment.

"No, no thank you. I'm fine. I'll just be going." You said quickly before walking past him towards who knows where.

You walked down the street at slightly faster pace than normal before turning down a random ally way while pulling out your phone. Maybe another friend could come pick you up.

You were so focused on your phone that you hadn't even noticed the two boys walking your way.

They stopped just in front of you causing you to run into them and drop your phone.

"Oh no. Sorry I wasn't watching where I was goin.." You started to say stopping half way as you looked up at the strangers.

They both had nasty smirks on their faces but said nothing.

Intimidated you took a step back.

"Well um sorry again but I really must be going." You said trying not to stutter while picking up your phone.

You went to move past the two boys when one stopped you. "Woah woah woah. Why the rush?" He smirked making you feel uneasy. "I-I'm sorry but I really have to get home." You silently curse yourself for stuttering.

"How about you come home with us?" One of them suggested. This caused you to take another cautious step back which they matched with their own progressing towards you.

You were about to say something else when you heard footsteps behind you further down the alley.

"Babe!? Babe! There you are!" The voice called. Confused you turned to see the messy haired boy from earlier. "Excuse m..." You were cut off by the boy wrapping an arm around your shoulders and placing a quick kiss to your lips.

You were absolutely terrified. To the point where you had nothing left to say.

"Thank you two so much for looking after my girlfriend here! We were suppose to meet at a cafe up the road but I guess she got lost. You two are life savers!"

The two boys standing in front of you looked at each other shocked and slightly confused before noding and mumbling 'your welcomes' before quickly walking off.

Once they were out of sight you shrugged off your rescuer's arm from around your shoulders and stood in front of him.

"Just what was that!?" You practically yelled at him.

"That was me saving your butt." He cooly stated. Which only seemed to make you grow even more furious.

"You can't just go kissing strangers and calling them babe!" You accused, but he didn't really seem to care.

"I believe thank you are the proper words you're looking for." He teased. You huffed clearly agitated and walked off.

As you walked out of the ally you could hear the boy's foot steps behind you.

"What do you want!?" You ask spinning in your heal to face him. You were only greeted by his smirking face. "Well your lost aren't you?"

You didn't answer not wanting to admit to it.

"Come on. I live around here and I can walk you home. Just tell me where you live."

"I'm not telling you where I live you creep! I don't even know you let alone your name!" You cried clearly repulsed.

The boy's look softened slightly, "My names Kurro. I promise I don't want to hurt you. I'm sorry I kissed you but I had to stop you from blowing our cover and I had to make it seem believable."

You just sigh and look at your feet not sure of what to do.

After a moment passes a pinky is held out to you. "Here. I promise my intentions are good. I can get you home." The boy named Kurro said in a soft tone.

You didn't know why but you wanted to believe him.

Looking into his eyes for a moment you sighed and took his pinky in your own. "Fine." You muttered earning and smile from him.

"Awesome! Now let's get you home!" He said determined and grabbed your hand before leading the way down the sidewalk wisking you away as you stared at his messy bed head wonder if this boy really was just a "nice guy".

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