Prince! Bokuto AU

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Looking around the grand ballroom you mentally sighed. Another day, another party. However, this party was different, for this is the party where you were to find a suitor for your hand in marriage.

As you looked around the room you wondered who would be the least stuck up. Most of the princes here are.

An hour had come and gone and so far you've had no luck. Every prince you talked to wanted to brag about their money, castle, or family name. None of which interested you.

Stressed from meeting the idiots of distant lands you excused yourself before walking over to the refreshments stand. You grabbed a (fav./drink) and looked out at the crowd of royalty having a wonderful time.

"Well don't they all seem to be having a splendid time?" A voice commented next to you. Suppressing a scoff you simply nodded in agreement. "But how about you, m'lady?" The man asked.

Taken back by his question you looked at him to see a tall handsome prince with grey and black hair slicked back and wide golden eyes.

Realizing you were probably staring for to long you cleared your throat and looked back at the crowd. "What ever could you mean? I'm having a lovely time. This is my ball is it not?" You tried to sound pleased and confident, but some how you knew it didn't work on the stranger.

"Well if you're having such a lovely time I suppose I'll leave you to your bidding and go to the garden myself." He hinted in a teasing matter before bowing and walking off.

You watched him walk away until you could no longer see his back in the crowd of people.

Should you follow him? You looked around the ball room once more before feeling a genuine smile creep to your face as you hurried after the prince.

As you stepped into the garden you looked around for any sign of the man but saw nothing. Curiously you ventured deeper into the garden until you met its end.

Maybe he didn't come here after all. Maybe you missed him. Sighing you sat on a bench and picked a flower. Twirling it between your fingers you were shocked when you heard a rustling coming from the opposite direction of you.

Alarmed you stood looking towards the sound only to see the prince from earlier emerge. "Hello again." He smiled wide striding over to you.

As he grasped your hand placing his lips to it lightly you felt a small smile form on your lips and a light blush on the tips of your ears. "Hello again." You greeted curtseying before him.

"So Princess (y/n). Why would such a beautiful girl as yourself be so troubled at her own party?" He asked letting go of your hand.

You looked away from him knowing that he was well aware of the answer.

"Well you see prince.... erm...."

"Bokuto. Bokuto Koutarou of Fukarodoni" he finished for you.

"Prince Bokuto. Since I'm forced to marry, I want to marry someone who I can stand to be in the presence of for more than five minuets." You answered.

"Naturally." Was all he said with a small smile as he watched you explain.

"I don't want to marry some idiot who only tries to win me over with money, or castles, or family names."

"No! Really!? Those are the best qualities in a man!" The prince mocked.

Rolling your eyes you shook your head. "Sorry, this must just sound strange and pitiful to you. Sorry to waste your time." You ended the discussion feeling embarrassed for sharing your true feelings and started to walk away.

"Actually it's quiet the opposite m'lady." Bokuto spoke up causing you to stop in your tracks and look back at him.

"You see. I don't want to marry you for the kingdom, or riches, or anything to do with royalty. I want to marry you because I've seen what a kind person you truely are. You care about your people, and I thought if I could even get a table spoon of that care and kindness I would be the luckiest man on earth." He finished looking deep into your eyes.

His explanation had caught you so off guard you didn't even realize your hands were being gently held by the man in front of you.

You were speachless to say the least as well.

Mean while Bokuto was smiling adoringly at you.

"So please Princess. Let me show you my kindness and let me care for you. Be my wife for the people and my best friend for my heart." He proposed.

"I-i-, you mean.... You don't want to marry me to be my husband?" It sounded strange the way you said it but you had to be sure.

"Well I mean of course I do," Bokuto said scratching the back of his neck. "But I don't expect you to love me instantly. That takes time. So until that time I want to help you do the best for your people and be a friend to you."

You didn't know what to say. For the first time someone saw you as a person not a object, and it actually made you happy. Happier than you've ever been before.

So happy you could stop yourself from jumping into Bokuto's arms wrapping your own around his neck and placing a sweet passionate kiss to his lips.

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