Akaashi (distant)

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You knew very well that your boyfriend of 1 year was a man of few words.

It was his actions that counted and you loved him all the same. Even if you were on the more talkative side.

You could always count on Akaashi.

Maybe that's why it hurt so much when he seemed distant.

He wasn't talking to you at all, he wouldn't listen or acknowledge you, he wouldn't even make any physical contact with you now a days. (Not that you guys were big on PDA anyways).

You didn't know what you did to push him away to be honest.

Not even your friends could help. You'd explain the situation to them and they would just laugh awkwardly and ask if you were sure he was acting strange at all.

A few weeks of the distance had gone by and nothing seemed to change.

Lucky for you, you somehow managed to convince you boyfriend to come to your house for a movie date.

You were popping popcorn when you heard the door bell ring.

Nervously you walked over to the door and opened it. There stood Akasshi with his hands deep in his pockets looking off in the distance.

Sighing mentally you put on a smile and stepped aside. "Hey Akaashi! Come on in!" You tried to sound cheerful.

Watching as he walked in and kick off his shoes you closed the door and turned to him rocking on the balls of your feet. "So I picked out some movies for us! I think you'll like them!" You attempted desperately to get some kind of reaction out of him.

No sound was made though. Not even a nod signalling that he heard you.

Feeling your smile drop you quickly grab the popcorn and sit on the couch.

You pressed buttons on the controller as Akasshi walked over and took a seat. On the opposite side of the couch!?

Instantly you felt your heart sink but continued to play the movie anyways.

It was about half way through the movie and you were going insane.

You felt like your heart was about to shatter. Akasshi hasn't said or done anything except eat a handful of popcorn. You attempted to a least make him smile but he just ignored you.

Feeling tears in your eyes you shook your head. You didn't deserve this. Furiously you pressed the pause button on the remote and stood in front of Akasshi.

At least now he was forced to look at you.

"Do you not want to be with me anymore!?" You couldn't help but raise your quivering voice as tears spilled down your cheeks.


"Cuz if you don't then leave!"

Still nothing.

"I've been here for three weeks now Keiji and I can't take it anymore! You just keep ignoring me! I know your usually quiet but at least you use to acknowledge me! Now I can even get you to say hello! What did I do to make you grow so distant from me!" You said chocking on your own sobs.

And for the first time in three weeks you say a different expression on your boyfriends face. It was shock.

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