Daichi (stressed out)

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* ok so this picture makes me laugh every time I see it and I quote it wayyyyy to much... Its bad guys... Its gotten to that point... Anyways daichi fanfic whooooo!!!

You couldn't help but be stressed out. You were captain of the karasuno girl's volleyball team for crying out loud!

Some captain. You sigh looking around the empty gym. You had reminded the girls multiple times the night before that there would be morning practice.

They obviously didn't care.

Yet you still came. Its your third year and you just keep holding onto this dream.

The dream that someone will care as much as you do.

You walk over to the wall and slide down it.

Maybe you should just give up and get focused on your studies.

Sniffling you buried you face into your knees trying to hold back the tears.

Three years you've been putting everything into this team and yet, you have nothing to show for it.

Finally snapping you let out a cry. You had been so stressed out and disappointed in yourself lately you had been at boiling point.

Clenching your fists you let out another sob.

"(Y/n)-San?" You heard from somewhere in the gym.

Shocked you quickly looked up to see Daichi at the door.

"S-sorry Daichi." You said standing and wiping your now puffy red eyes.

"Sorry for what?" He asked in a soft tone walking over to you. "Why are you crying? Is something the matter?"

Forcing a smile you shook your head. "No. Its nothing. Don't worry about me." You said and grabbed your bag from the floor.

Just as you went to walk away you were stopped.

"Don't give up (y/n). Its not over yet. Your not a bad captain. You can cheer your team on and believe in them all you want. But you can't make them believe in their selves."

You froze at his words. Turning back to face him you saw a sympathetic look on his face.

"Ya. That's easy for you to say Daichi. Your a great captain and your team respects you. I wish I could do what you do." Sighing you shake your head and let out a tired laugh.

Before you knew it you were engulfed in a hug. This was simply too much for you.

You let out the tears that had been on the brink of spilling and clung to Daichi's jacket. You felt pathetic but you couldn't stop yourself anymore.

Before you knew it Daichi pulled away and tilted your head up to make you look at him.

"I believe in you (y/n)-Chan." Was all he said as he wiped your tears away with his thumbs. "I always have."

You sniffled and smiled weakly. "Thank you " you whispered.

Letting go of you he grabbed your bag from you. "How would you like to have morning practice with us?" Daichi asked.

Shocked you nodded quickly and smiled wide. "I'd love to!"

With that the two of you walked out and towards the boys gym.

*time skip till after school*

Feeling less stressed than you had this morning you walked towards the girls gym to get changed for this afternoon's practice.

Just as you were about to walk in a familiar voice called out to you. "(Y/n)! I'm glad I caught you!" Daichi ran up to you slightly out of breath.

Smiling up at him you asked "Caught me? What did you need?"

To your surprise Daichi seemed to be at a loss of words as a slightly blush tinged his cheeks.

You gave him a confused look while waiting patiently.

Just as you were about to say something you feel a warm pair of lips meet your own. You out of instinct melted into the kiss, but just as quick as it had started it ended.

When Daichi pulled away you looked up at him. "Have a great practice (y/n)! Can I walk you home after?"

Blushing madly you nodded. "O-okay. Have a good practice too Daichi-san." You walked off into the gym quickly before your face went even more red.

After practice you changed and then waited outside for Daichi to show up.

Practice was disappointing as usual but you kept in it knowing that soon you would be walking home with the boy's captain who had spontaneously kissed you not too long before that.

Walking out of the gym you leaned against the wall waiting for Daichi.

It'd been 20 minuets now and you couldn't help but wonder if he'd forgotten. Sighing you figured that must be the case and grabbed you bag.

You started to turn to leave when you heard something off in the distance. "(Y/n)!! (Y/n) waiiit!" You turned and saw Daichi running towards you.

Letting out a sigh of relief you waited. "Daichi what took you so long!? I thought you forgot about me." You said sadly.

Out of breath he quickly shook his head.

"I'm sorry for making you worry. Practice ran late. Forgive me?" He asked pleadingly.

Nodding you replied, "of course silly I'm sure you were just being the great captain you are!" And with that you grabbed his hand and started walking off towards your house.

While you walked you and Daichi talked about anything and everything. You hadn't laughed like this in weeks. Most importantly you were free. Free of all your troubles.

All too soon you arrived at your door and turned to give Daichi a good bye.

You were stopped however, "(y/n)-Chan. I've had a crush on you for a long time and I don't want to wait any longer. Will you be my girlfriend?" Daichi asked.

You mouth was half open as it was because you were getting ready to say something but your jaw dropped even further.

You starred at Daichi as he took a sudden liking to his shoes.

"I- I'd love to!" You practically yelled.

This caused Daichi to actually look at you. He laughed and hugged you tightly. "Thank goodness! Have a nice night (y/n). I can't wait to see you tomorrow!" And with that he practically skipped off leaving you speechless.

Words could never describe how happy and stress free you felt right now.

All thanks to Daichi!

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