Iwazumi x Oikawa

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It had been a long day for Oikawa. He had failed a test, lost his phone on the bus, and fallen twisting his ankle almost a mile from his house.

So you can imagine, after such a shit day Oikawa is just a smidge irritated, angry, tired, and just down right fed- up.

As Oikawa walks into his house he sighs slipping off his shoes and tossing his jacket off to the side.

Walking into the kitchen he hears the sound of something. On edge he creeps into the doorway only to see his boyfriend of 3 years sitting at the table eating something.

No. Not just anything. It was part of the three tier cake that he had spent countless hours on for his cousin's wedding the next day.

Iwazumi looked up with a mouthful and waved a little. "Hey." He mumbled while Oikawa just stared at him in horror.

"Y-you.... Your fucking kiding me!" Oikawa yells.

Iwazumi's eyes widen at his love's sudden out burst and he sets his fork down standing. "Babe what is it?"

"Don't you 'babe what is it' me! You ate my cousins cake! I spent hours on that cake! Her wedding is tomorrow! I could never.... I can't..." Oikawa clenched his fists fighting back tears of rage.

Iwazumi on the other hand was pale as a ghost. He hadn't realized or even thought about the wedding and putting two and two together until Oikawa laid it out for him. His heart sank knowing he was the one to cause this hurt.

"O-oikawa I-I'm so sorry I-I I didn't realize...." He didn't get to finish because Oikawa cut him off.

"You didn't realize!? I slaved away at that cake for hours Iwazumi!" Iwazumi flinched at the use of his full name. "I've been talking about the wedding for months and its tomorrow!"

That was it. Enough to push Oikawa to hot tears.

Iwazumi took a step closer to his boyfriend but was shoved away. "No! Don't come near me!" Oikawa shouted and took a few steps back gripping his hair.

"Oikawa calm down. We-we can make a new one. I'll help you. Please I'm just. I'm sorry." Iwazumi said truly upset for causing this, even if it was an accident.

"No Iwazumi. Just. Just leave me be." Oikawa grumbled through a clenched jaw.

"Good god Oikawa! It was an accident! I didn't know! I said I was sorry and even offered to try to fix it! Why can't you stop being a baby and get over it! What's done is done!" Iwazumi was starting to feel frustrated.

He went to say something else but felt a sharp slap across his face. Shocked he look at Oikawa, Oikawa's face full of anger.

Hajime slowly put his hand to his cheek before furrowing his eyebrows and walking towards the front door without saying another door.

Seeing him leave must have made Oikawa realize the wrong he had done because in an instant his face filled with regret and fear.

"H-Hajime wait." He stuttered before walking towards his boyfriend.

Iwazumi turned swiftly on his heal to face Oikawa with fire in his eyes. "Don't call me that! Only people who deserve to use my name can." And with that Iwazumi walked out slamming the door.

Oikawa was now sitting in his room, against the wall, hugging his knees, choking on his own sobs. Today had to have been the worst day of his life.

Iwa sighed as he walked back into his shared home closing the door as silent as possible praying his partner would be asleep. He didn't know how much he could handle in one night.

He squinted in the dark looking around.

His face still burned where Oikawa had hit him.

Finally deciding the coast was clear he walked upstairs to his room and stepped in as silent as a mouse, but when he looked at the bed he found no one there. Furrowing his eyebrows he looked around in search of Oikawa before hearing sobs and hiccuping breaths from the corner.

He looked over and saw his belovid curled in a ball sobbing. The sight itself damn near broke his heart.

"Oi shittykawa. Stop your crying and get your ass over here."

Oikawa flinched hearing a voice. He thought he had been alone.

Glancing at Iwazumi he felt another rush of tears come to his eyes and refused to move.

Sighing he walked over and sat next to Oikawa.

"Can we talk?"

No reply.

"Oikawa?" This time Iwa looked at Oikawa. He was just sitting  there clutching his knees to his chest and burying his face into them.

"Oh Oikawa." Iwazumi mumbled before picking the boy up with ease and setting him in his lap.

At first Oikawa squirmed trying to move away, but Iwazumi's grip was too tight.

Iwa rubbed Oikawa's back soothingly and sighed. "Shhhhh it'll be ok baby. I'm right here. Shhhh."

Hearing Iwazumi being so kind to him even after he hit him broke Oikawa down even more. Oikawa sobbed harder into Iwazumi's chest taking in every part of him.

"I-I'm s-so sorry Iwa-chan." Oikawa cried/mumbled into his chest.

Iwazumi said nothing and continued to rub his boyfriend's back comfortingly while staring off into the distance.

Finally Oikawa cried himself dry and pulled away from Iwa's chest.

Iwa looked down at his splochy eyed boyfriend sadly. "I'm sorry I ate the cake. It was really good though."

Surprisingly this made Oikawa laughed.

"At least some one liked it."

There was silence between the two for a few moments before Oikawa spoke up again.

"I am really sorry I hit you Iwa-chan. I didn't mean to lash out. Today has been horrid and I lashed out on you even though you only made a mistake. I'm sorry."

And with that it looked like Oikawa was about cry again.

Iwazumi squeezed him tighter before placing his lips on Oikawa's.

"It's ok trashykawa. I still love you to the moon and back. Now tell me about this horrid day and let me make you some tea."

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