Iwazumi (alone)

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You couldn't help but laugh as your best friend held you over his shoulder while walking down the streets.

"Iwazumi! Put me down!" You shrieked only to earn a small chuckle from him.

It had been a long day for the two of seeing as practice had started before the sun rose and ended after it set.

Being the manager for Abajosai was deffinatly a challenge and kept you on your toes, but it was worth it none the less.

Finally giving up on trying to keep you contained, Iwazumi set you on the ground and let you walk.

"You don't have to walk me home Iwazumi, I'm a big girl you know." You commented not expecting him to respond. He usually didn't.

"Well its dark and I'd be worried if I didn't." He replied like it was the simplest thing in the world. And really it was just that simple, but that didn't stop the heat that was rising to your cheeks from showing.

You wanted to say something in return but couldn't seem to find a way to put your thoughts to words.

So instead you simply remained silent the rest of the way home.

Reaching your front step you sighed and turned to face your best friend. "I'll see you around ok?" You asked suddenly feeling very uneasy.

Iwazumi must have noticed because he raised a eyebrow in suspicion. "Sure, tell your parents I said hello." He replied then quickly added on, "I'll text you when I get home."

You nodded before turning to the door and trying to keep your hand steady as you attempted to unlock the door. Finally sliding the key into the lock you opened the door. You rushed inside and closed the door behind you before Iwazumi could ask any further questions.

Sighing you couldn't help but submit to feeling of loneliness as you looked around your dark empty house with your back pressed against the door.

Iwazumi's POV

I couldn't help but notice, I mean, come on! (Y/N) went from her happy and bubbly self to someone I've never seen before in a matter of moments.

I dismissed the thought though and continued on my way home.

Sinking my hands in my pockets I smiled slightly. (Y/N) really was amazing. She's smart, funny, and she does so much for the team! She's just one of those people you can always count on. Not to mention how fucking gorgeous she is!

My eyebrows furrowed at the thought. 'Fucking gorgeous'? Where had that come from? Shugging it off I stepped into my house toeing off my shoes and pulling out my phone to text (Y/N) as promised.


Something wasn't right. I could feel it. I had texted (Y/N) last night, but instead of the usual good night texts that I would usually get I received no response.

When I got to school I didn't see (Y/N), which is expected since she was in the second year's hallway, but when I didn't see her at lunch I began to worry.

> Hey you okay???

I sent the text before turning off my phone and drumming my fingers across it anxiously.

After a few more minuets I still didn't get a reply.


The bell signaling the end of lunch rang so I stood powering off my phone and shoving it in my pocket before heading off to class.


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