Akaashi (distant) II

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"I've been here for three weeks now Keiji and I can't take it anymore! You just keep ignoring me! I know you're usually quiet but at least you use to acknowledge me! Now I can't even get you to say hello! What did I do to make you grow so distant from me!" You said chocking on your own sobs.

And for the first time in three weeks you saw a different expression on your boyfriends face. It was shock.

Clenching your fists you waited. Suddenly he stood up. His sudden action caused you to take a step back.

"I think we should break up."

"What?" You chocked out in shock. This isn't what you wanted. No. All at once though you felt every emotion possible.

"Fine!" You yelled through gritted teeth. "Whatever! Leave then!" You try to hold back the next stream of tears in your eyes.

Akaashi just simply nods and grabs his jacket.

Watching as he walks towards the door slipping on his shoes your heart gets the best of you.

"Akaashi wait. Please. Please don't go. This can't be the end! I love you!" You attempt to stop him with no success.

He simply ignores you and walks out, and in that very moment you felt you heart shatter.

Finally letting your tears fall you crumble to the floor gripping your sleeves and sob.


You wake up with a pain in you back. Sitting up you look around blinking your blurry vision away. Realizing you had fallen asleep in the middle of the living room you push yourself to your feet and sniffle.

Sighing you walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. Your eyes are bloodshot and puffy while there are visible tear stains on your cheeks.

Memories of the events that happened only a few hours ago rush to you all at once. This time however you feel nothing. No emotion at all. You're just, numb.

You let out another heavy sigh and pull your phone from your pocket and check the time. '5:47 am'. Well there was no point in going back to sleep now so you set your phone on the bathroom counter and pulled out your tooth brush and tooth paste. Going about your morning routine you thought about last night.

You didn't even get an explanation. Just a few short words and that was it. He was gone. Just like that. Hell. If it wasn't for the evidence of the night before you might have even thought it was just a bad dream.


You walked down the hall to your classroom with your head down. It didn't take long for people to realize you didn't want to talk. None the less Bokuto ran up excited as ever clearly not taking the hint.

"(Y/n)- Chan! Have you seen Akaashi?" He asked. Instantly your heart began to hurt.

Sniffling you shook your head and continued to walk past the over sized toddler.

Bokuto's smile fell and he walked after you. "(Y/n)- Chan? What's wrong?" Feeling tears start to form again you picked up your pace and walked to the girls restroom.

Looking at yourself in the mirror you laughed unamused with yourself. "Pathetic." You mumbled. Wiping your eyes dry you shook your head and stormed out of the restroom and off to class.


After class you decided you were going to skip going to volleyball practice. After all Akasshi and you weren't together anymore right?

Walking out the front doors you looked towards the gym sighing before heading the opposite direction. You didn't get more than 20 ft before you heard someone calling out to you. "(Y/n)-Chan!"

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