Kenma (Competition)

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You gripped your gaming controller tight not taking your eyes off the screen in front of you.

This wasn't your first gaming tournament, neither was it your last. But it was probably one of the most important events of your gaming career.

The winner of this even was going to be offered a contract with a professional gaming company. You had practiced for months on end waiting for this tournament, and you weren't going to lose.

You focused on the screen as people shouted rude comments at you trying to catch you off guard. It wouldn't work though.

Just because you were a girl didn't mean you would let this opportunity slip away so easy. You smirked hearing a few groans and complains as you killed off another player.

It wasn't easy being a female gamer when it came to competitions like these. Most of them were exclusively for boys or girls were just to afraid to join the event to begin with.

Everyone earlier that day had seemed surprised when you checked in as a gamer and not a girlfriend of one. You used that as fuel though.

You bit your lip hard out of habit getting another kill shot. "We are now down to our final two in this event. (Y/N) and Kozume Kenna from Japan." Smirking slightly you narrowed your eyes. You didn't even care that the crowd was booing you.

You let out a breath as your finger tightened around the trigger on your controller then released. About 2 seconds later the whole crowd had gone silent. Smirking to yourself you set your controller down and stood up grabbing your bag and walking off the stage.

As you walked off it the room boomed with noise. People started coming at you but security was faster. Keeping your head down you walked till you were clear of the crowd.

Waking up to the snack bar you asked for a drink before turning to look around the convention.

Seeing a pudding haired boy off in the distance you grabbed your drink and walked towards him.

"Good game Kozume." You spike quietly stretching out your hand. He looked at you as if he was almost scared. That's when a tall man with unnaturally messy hair stepped in between the two of you.

"So your the princess that showed all these boys up." He challenged crossing his arms over his chest. You simply shrugged taking a sip of your drink. "Guess so."

This made his smirk falter. Probably because you weren't intimidated or anything. He grumbled and side stepped out of your way.

You stuck your hand out again for Kozume. He still seemed in shock. But after a moment he reached and took your hand. "Good game." You said so quietly you almost didn't hear him.

You smiled wide only to be startled by the sudden flash of cameras. You looked towards the new company surrounding you and Kozume and noticed the CEO of the gaming company you were trying out for was approaching.

You glanced at Kenma before looking back at the approaching man. "(Y/N)! Kenna! Do I have a deal for you!" The man beamed. To this you raised an eyebrow cautiously. "How would the two of you like to do a joint channel for our company? You were both so amazing that we would really like to see what you could do together."

Wide eyed you looked at Kenma to see he wore the same expression you did. "Yes!" You both yelled in union surprising the other. The man chuckled whole heartedly and lead you off to a private room where you could sign your contracts.


You groaned as red lettering stating that you had lost the game flashed in your screen. You had been working at this level for hours. About to give up you sighed until you felt gentle hands on your shoulders.

Tilting your head back you looked up to see your boyfriend of 3 years. "Hi Kenma." You muttered exhausted. He didn't say anything.

Sighing again you looked towards the screen in defeat before reaching for the power button.

"Did you try using a combo attack first?" Your boyfriend spoke up. Pulling your hand away from the button you glanced up at him. "Noooooooo." You answered interested. "Well you might want to." He smirked. "It worked for me when I beat that level last week." Kenma taunted.

This only made you more motivated. So you selected to 'try again' and did as Kenma told you.


Squealing you jumped out of your chair and threw your arms around Kenma. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you so much!" You yelled as Kenma hugged you back. You quickly pulled away from the hug, however, and planted a firm kiss on his lips smiling as Kenma kissed back.

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